Good Practices for School Timetable Making

Sai Vamshi Atukuri
4 min readAug 5, 2023


In my previous article, I elucidated the intricate process of school timetable creation, a process that is surprisingly nuanced and complex. In this follow-up post, I’ll share some of the good practices from my experience for crafting a functional and efficient school timetable manually.

Why manually, you may ask, and not simply through a one-size-fits-all software? The answer lies in the unique challenges and context-dependent nature of this task. The multitude of considerations, spanning from mandatory to ‘nice-to-have’, coupled with the unpredictable twists that can turn up in the school setting, makes this an intricate jigsaw puzzle that’s hard to solve through a general software solution or even optimization techniques.

Each school is a microcosm, unique in its structure, student body, staff capabilities, and ethos. The sheer diversity and complexity of this task mean that sometimes, even the most advanced technology falls short in addressing the unique needs and constraints of each institution. Furthermore, crafting a timetable isn’t just about optimization; it’s about empathy and experience. These are things only a human being — with an intimate understanding of their institution’s needs, the teachers’ skills, and the students’ welfare — can bring to the table.

Two Heads Are Better Than One

As we dive into the best practices for crafting school timetables, it’s essential to debunk a common misconception: the idea that the total time spent on timetable creation can be halved simply by involving two people. Instead, the equation isn’t as straightforward as “100 hours divided by two people equals 50 hours each”. It’s not an arithmetic progression but rather a geometric one.

When two people team up to tackle this complex task, the resultant efficiency isn’t simply doubled — it could potentially skyrocket to 2.5, or even 3 times the original output. How so? It’s all about the strategic division of responsibilities.

If one person focuses on structuring the class or grade timetable while the other handles the teachers’ schedules, their combined efforts can significantly streamline and expedite the process. Both individuals can focus on their specific tasks, thus reducing errors, increasing focus, and making the process more efficient than anticipated.

The Bottom-Up Approach

The next cornerstone of effective timetable construction is an approach that might seem counterintuitive at first, but upon deeper analysis, makes absolute sense: initiating the process from the bottom and working your way up, rather than a top-down approach. This methodology might initially seem less efficient, but it’s key to remember that in manual timetable creation, accuracy is crucial and can save you a considerable amount of time in the long run.

To put it simply, start small. Begin with one grade or one subject, then methodically work your way through all of them. This process is akin to nested ‘for’ loops in computer science, where the first loop might be grades or sections, and the subsequent loop represents teachers.

While this methodology may seem to be slower, it is far less error-prone, which ultimately makes it more efficient. Any errors detected can be rectified on the spot, preventing a ripple effect that could potentially disrupt the entire timetable. Hence, starting from the base and gradually building up allows for a more structured, less erroneous, and consequently more efficient timetable creation process.


Another integral practice in manual timetable creation pertains to clarity, specifically around the labeling of teachers. Anyone who has attempted to construct a timetable manually knows that one of the significant challenges lies in distinguishing between teachers who may have the same or similar names. This can lead to confusion, misallocation, and inevitably, errors in the timetable.

To mitigate this, consider labeling each teacher with a unique identifier. You could use a simple numbering system or create unique string identifiers, perhaps a combination of their initials and a unique number. This systematic approach ensures that each teacher is distinctly recognizable, drastically reducing the likelihood of mix-ups.

Baby Steps and Regular Breaks

Working on a mentally taxing project like manual timetable creation demands a thoughtful approach not just to the task at hand, but also to how you manage your cognitive resources. When embarking on this complex process, remember that the journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. Apply this principle by breaking down the mammoth task into smaller, manageable goals.

For instance, you might set a goal to schedule a particular grade or subject within a certain timeframe. These small victories will gradually accumulate, leading you toward your long-term goal of creating the complete timetable. This strategy not only makes the task feel less overwhelming but also gives you a sense of progress and achievement, which can fuel your motivation to continue.

Another essential practice is incorporating regular breaks into your work routine. Our brains aren’t machines; they need time to rest and rejuvenate.


As we wrap up this article, I’d like to emphasize that the best practices shared here are drawn from my personal experiences with manual timetable creation. They represent the strategies that have stood out to me the most, those that have consistently proven to be effective in navigating school timetable construction.

In future posts, I plan to delve into timetable validation and post-creation analysis. This helps in avoiding clashes in the timetable and in-turn avoids issues during the initial weeks of a school year. While these are tasks that can be challenging to perform manually, they can be efficiently handled through coding. I will explore the different approaches that I have experimented with in the past and shed light on some valuable online tools that can facilitate these processes.



Sai Vamshi Atukuri

Senior Data Scientist @ Vanguard. Excited about advancements in AI. Avid anime fan!