How to show Mac HD in Finder sidebar

Vanderson Ramos
1 min readJun 12, 2018

By default macOS High Sierra may not show you the Macintosh HD folder anywhere in Finder, so here’s how you can do this:

  1. On your Mac launch Finder.
  2. Click on the Finder option from the menu bar and click on ‘Preferences’.
  3. On the Finder Preferences click on the ‘Sidebar’ tab.
  4. Under ‘Show these items in the sidebar’ click on ‘Hard disks’ option under the devices label.

As you can see, you also have the ability to show shared items and other external devices.

That’s all folks ☺



Vanderson Ramos

I am a software developer with more focus on solving the problem than on the technology used. "Be not afraid of going slowly, be afraid only of standing still"