Conversations around police brutality

Vanessa Aguilar
2 min readMar 26, 2016


It seems that today the news is full of stories. You can easily go online and find articles about anything. People always assume that since the stories are coming from the news outlets they must be true. For instance Business Insider wrote an article, were they talked about which were the most and least trusted news outlets in America. Not every news outlet is trusted but the one thing they have in common is that they get the information they have out to the people, especially with the upcoming presidential elections.

Since police brutality has been happening quite a lot most news outlets try and cover what is happening. Not only are they talking about this topic but it is something that presidential candidates have been asked about. Every candidate has a different answer but the one I found interesting was Donald Trump’s answer.

As the GOP (Grand Old Party) debate went on Donald Trump was asked by Muir “You have said police are the most mistreated people in America. As president, how do you bridge the divide?”. Donald Trump did not give a clear answer but stated, “Well, there is a divide, but I have to say that the police are absolutely mistreated and misunderstood…”. Not only does he feel that they are mistreated he also went on to say how they needed to get more respect from the people. He stated that, “They’re afraid for losing their pension, their job”. If police officers were afraid of losing their jobs, I believe they would act differently in certain situations.

In comparison to Donald Trump, Bernie Sanders another presidential candidate gave his input as to what should happen in order to fight against police brutality. Sanders stated that he wanted to treat police officers the same as normal citizens. If police officers break the law they should be punished for it and get investigated. This is a good idea since many police officers like Officer Darren Wilson end up getting away with murder. He also mentioned that he would like the police department to look like a community. This point is important because if the police offices work as a community they will do a better job in the work field. He made a lot of good points, but who knows if they will ever happen.

When comparing both candidates I would have to say Bernie Sanders would do a good job in representing people who fight against police brutality. He has ideas in which he plans to stop police brutality and fight with the people. Donald Trump on the other hand is a powerful man who believes that police officers are the ones who get mistreated. The problem with Donald Trump is that with his power he can change the way people view police brutality. He can make people change their minds on whose fault it is when police officers use to much force on an individual. Police brutality is a serious problem and in order to fix the problem every conversation should be heard.

