Think Feel Do

Vanessa Black
2 min readOct 20, 2019


I wrote these notes to help an associate re-think the way they communicate and become more effective in driving behavior change. Sharing here because this framework has helped me and many of my clients over the years in moving people toward desired outcomes.

Think Feel Do is an outcome-based engagement framework focused on the three outcomes of effective communication: what we want the audience to think, what we want them to feel, and, as a result, what we want them to do. Having a clear understanding of WHO your intended audience is is a prerequisite to success when using this.

This framework is especially helpful when used before crafting a message. I like to establish my “think feel do” before I start writing and then come back to it once I’ve finished by asking myself “will my audience think feel and do these things based on what I wrote?” It’s a good gut check.

The same framework can be applied to any form of engagement, for example planning an event or meeting.

Outcome-Based Engagement Framework


What do we want the audience to learn or know after being presented this information?

eg. “This is even-handed”, “There is nothing to worry about”, “This is aligned with an ethos I know and love”


What emotion or response do we want to evoke with our communication?

eg. empowered, informed, relieved, competent, important, supported, prioritized


What specific action do we want the audience to take?

eg. sign up, participate, fall in line, be helpful, give feedback, relax

