Post Pandemic Mom Friends

Vanessa Dueck
4 min readMar 8, 2022

Navigating friendships made in adulthood in a post pandemic era

moms standing around laughing
Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash

I went to a mommy and me event some months back with my beautiful girl. I love to be with my youngest. She’s cool and special and has a nice way of looking at the world — not to mention a wild and crazy imagination that always has me howling with laughter. But, as I walked by old friends and their kids, also alone at the outdoor event, all masked up, saying a quick ‘Hello!’ or ‘Long time no see!’ I felt an unexpected loneliness that I didn’t have pre-pandemic.

I used to stand around with friends at the YMCA and talk about what was coming up. We used to make our plans to meet up together organically and in person. Now the thought of trying to coordinate with someone via facebook messenger, or sending a text to see if a person I no longer see on a regular basis to ask if they want to meet up at these types of events feels exhausting.

There is also a new post-pandemic (are we actually post pandemic?) feeling that I carry about missing almost two years of mommy and me events with my third and last child. She’s four now and this is our final year before the big shift to elementary school life. I have this tremendous sadness for the missed ‘Kate and mom’ time last year as I juggled two older kids on Zoom school. Now, I feel that I need to take each precious second with her that I can get and…



Vanessa Dueck

Writing about life in a broad and meaningful way. Personal essays featured in Huffpost, SF Chronicle, The Globe and Mail among others.