Tips for climbing the Pico Mountain in the Azores Islands

Vanessa Amaral
4 min readOct 10, 2017


Image taken on my way up the Pico Mountain, Azores. Check out my Instagram @vanessamaral__

This morning when I started writing this I had no idea it would become a Medium publication. It was initially meant to be an Instagram post but soon I found out I had too much to say and that Instagram had character limitations.

I climbed the Pico Mountain on the 9th of July, 2017. I went with my best friend and I was not prepared for it. Not even a bit. For so many reasons we didn’t get to the top. We stood 300–500 meters bellow the top and had to start descending. If I was asked to do this again I probably would say “no” but ask me if I regret it and I will say “definately not”. Experiences, even the bad ones, make you who you are.

Photo I took during the climb. Find it in my Instagram @vanessamaral__

I must add that it was a hell of an adventure but an irresponsible one. Fortunately, everything went just fine and now we have a story to tell but I feel it’s my obligation to post a few tips on how to do this climb the proper way:

Go with a tour guide. Don’t assume you’re ready to go through this. We didn’t go with a guide and we spent so much time trying to figure out which way to go and where to put our hands without falling down the mountain. Go with a tour guide. You pay extra but you’ll have the knowledge of someone that knows what they’re doing. You’ll be faster and more sure of yourself.

2. Rest! Before you go on an adventure like this make sure you slept well the previous night. We didn’t. We started climbing at 6 AM and had slept for 30 minutes in the last 24 hours. Resting allows for you to have better judgement when it comes to decision making. You’ll also be more calm and aware of the environment surrounding you. Well rested people are less paranoid.

3. Be physically prepared. If you’re a couch potato, like me, you are by no means ready for a climb like this. I was going to the gym twice a week and that meant nothing. If you’re going to do this start walking and trekking before hand. Get some experience on the terrain and on the climbing.

4. Bring water and food supplies with you. Remember you can be there for a whole day. You’ll need to eat high energy foods and drink a lot of water to keep hydrated. Manage this well because you want to carry those things but not overpack. You need to be light weighted.

That’s me! Photo taken during the climb. Find it in my Instagram @vanessamaral__

5. Now let’s talk about clothing. You’re not going down the runway. You’re climbing a Mountain. Dress for the mid summer because it will be hot but it will also be cold. Remember, the temperatures fall the higher you go up the mountain. Take a water jacket. Even if it’s not raining it may get cloudy up there. You’ll have to pass through those clouds and you’ll get wet just like it was raining.

6. Wear trekking shoes or boots. The terrain is unstable and you can easilly slip. You have to be prepared for all that and wearing shoes that adapt to those conditions is precious, believe me.

7. Take sunscreen, especially for your face. You’ll be exposed to the UV rays the whole time and you’ll get burned easilly.

8. Enjoy the climb. It’s not everyday that you get to see those views. Although you’re in a high mountain it’s very quiet and peaceful up there. Let go for a moment and let it all sink in.

9. Take positivity with you. Go with people you love that will encourage you through the climb. It’s great to make memories like these, specially with people that mean the most to you. You’ll add another cool chapter to your story.

I wish I knew all these things before I went and I hope this pseudo guide helps someone out.

I want to finish saying that the Azores Islands are beautiful and magical. We’ll be waiting for your visit. We’re great hosts.


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Vanessa Amaral

Head of Social Media @WortenPT. Content Strategist. 🎮 Noob Gamer. 🏝️ Islander