Breaking Into Tech | Letter of Inspiration

Vanessa Morales
3 min readSep 2, 2020
By Sincerely Media (UnSplash)

As someone who is brand new in the tech industry, I think we’ve all had our fair share of confusion and imposters syndrome. We deny our knowledge and question whether we are making the right decision when learning that difficult section in Javascript that you just can’t grasp, or continuously running into that error message when running your Python script. Believe it or not, I’m pretty sure your favorite programmer or hacker or CEO was in the same boat we are, MAYBE STILL ARE.

“Do not let what you cannot do interfere with what you can do”

-John Wooden

The tech industry is changing daily, and we see it all the time. When I first started programming, I was learning Bootstrap and now programmers are talking about 1,000 other different frameworks that I have never even heard of. But, as I like to put it, the cup is half full, I have taught myself that framework to understand the basics, which is probably the SAME exact way these other frameworks work. What does that matter to you, you may be saying, I don’t know what it is that you are teaching yourself, but you ARE teaching yourself, you ARE learning, even if it’s the absolute basics of HTML or the advanced OWASP vulnerability, you now know more than you knew a minute ago.



Vanessa Morales

Latina in tech. Hacking and Programming to teach and inspire others along the way.