Learning the art of loving myself

Vanessa Mutesi
2 min readJun 13, 2018


Self-love has become one of those things that many are pursuing, although not for the same motives. On one hand are the people genuinely pursuing loving all part of themselves, and on the other side there are those screaming self-love for the timeline. Recently, I had a conversation with one of my closest friends and we had an unexpected heart to heart. At first, the conversation revolved in marveling at the different blessings that had come our way and reminiscing on some good times. As we talked, the conversation shifted to something more profound. My friend, let’s call her June, told me about one of the toughest question she was asked. In my mind, I was thinking a profound and challenging question but that wasn’t the case; the question was one so simple but yet so challenging. June proceeded to tell me how her little sister had asked to name five things that she loved about herself, and June was startled in that moment. I paused and started to think to myself if I was asked that question, would I be able to answer it with ease or would I struggle like June. It turned out I couldn’t. June and I continued our conversation but at the back of mind, the question reverberated in my mind. June opened up to me about how she had to brave it up and name random things just to put up a strong front for her sister, basically being the exemplary sister. She then told me how in that moment she realized, she wasn’t actually pursuing self-love but rather the idea and as well as doing it for the timeline. We continued the conversation and it ended with June telling me, “it is the self-love that we nurture within us that manifests to others, if I don’t nurture it, I won’t be an exemplary sister.”

That night, I sat and I challenged myself to think of five things that I love about myself. I failed. I came to realize that I was trying to nurture a seed of self-love but I wasn’t actually putting in the work. Just like any plant, my seed needed to be watered, it needed sunlight, it needed all the care I could give it. With that in mind, I chose to start by challenging myself with simple things. For example, every morning I look in the morning and find something I love about myself and say it to myself. It might sound conceited but if I have to be a little conceited to find the light inside myself, then that’s what I am going to do. So, challenge yourself! Challenge yourself to nurture your seed and in the end you are going to manifest a beautiful light to those around you.

Love and Light-V

Find your light, nurture it and let it manifest

