4 min readMar 6, 2022


Artist’s rejections

My first token will turn 4 in May, still a puppy when I think of traditional time, an adult when I think of Cryptoart. Those like me are defined OG, in recent years I have really felt part of an unprecedented artistic revolution, passing from the rejection of social networks, to my constant presence on them due to their importance in this job. In Cryptoart the community is very important, or at least it was.

Now the wonderful NFTs universe is flooded daily with scammers, BOTs, PFPs, generative editions of 10,000 pieces at a time, and improvised people hoping to take home a few digital pennies, so I often wonder: what is the role of the artists? How can I adapt to this current mode of communication which is mainly based on “volumes”, often neglecting quality? Simply I answer to myself that I make Cryptoart through NFT technology and that I don’t produce NFTs to generate volumes.

Through art I have always tried to send messages to anyone who wanted to receive them: sometimes simple messages of beauty, purely aesthetic, other times messages through which I hope to induce reasoning, critical thinking, or a changing in the observer’s life. I try to keep a balance between things.

At the end of 2021, I started a new series of pop artworks: a mix of 3D modeling, digital drawing and painting of famous people, films, literary works, science, etc. A concept that generally works well in sales terms. I had compiled a long list and each NFT would take about 2/3 full days of work. In the meantime, my assiduous presence on social networks and marketplaces was showing me that the quantity of PFP series was increasing dramatically, day after day, inexorably. This increase is inversely proportional to my desire to continue the series, so I abandoned it. I would have tokenized about 60 NFTs, all unique, handmade, not generated by randomly overlapping frames.

I only completed 3:

  • “number 0”, which I consider a prototype, on “Desperate Housewives” theme;
  • “number 1” which is a reinterpretation of Heisenberg, from “Breaking Bad” series;
  • “number 2” starring Mike Tyson.

In about ten years of artistic self-employment, almost four spent in Cryptoart, I have often interrupted artwork, or a series, which were not commissions, but I always went back to finish ’em. Also this time I’ll complete what I had started, but in a different way, giving a meaning to the unfinished.

Why am I telling you these things? Because I need to send a message and it’s my intention to do so through this paper and using the three works of the unfinished series wich I had decided to simply title “Eyes”.

I’ll tell you what happened to me and you let out the message you’re ready to receive… it’s called art, in this case “Cryptoart”.

They will be on sale, does not mean that surely I’ll sell ’em all, frankly i don’t care about this, but I have decided that, out of respect for the other Cryptoartists and for my sweat, I’ll list them at affordable prices, although in each piece there are the my tribulations and perhaps also those of many other artists and some collectors. I keep the “free” concept only for the special occasions, as if it were a bottle of well aged red wine. Each piece will be tokenized in five MP4 copies and five PNGs on KnowOrigin, stay tuned for the date.

Will they remain unsold? I will be happy all the same, at least my message will remain forever imprinted on the blockchain. How cool is technology, huh?

That’s the way the cookie crumbles.

Long live the art, fuck the warmongers.

Van Gango.

Desperate HousEye
Desperate Houseye
Mike Teyeson




Contemporary artist, SuperRare OG, Monograma Space Ambassador. Husband, Dad, Visual Workman.