rise over run

Van Hunt
2 min readJun 16, 2018


Photography by Dirt Gathers In The Corner

elderly guy walx up, waves at me, then says, “i wish we could start talkn to each other like they did n the ol’ days.”

“hmmm…”, i say to myself. careful not to disappoint his obvious invite to engage, i force my mouth open. but, before i can say anything he swivels toward a young lady seated nearby, leans over her space and says, “hellOoooo….” she, sensing an instability surging, freezes and says nothing. he follows up, eyes now fixed back on me, “ur woman says she’s almost ready to go and u say, “no…NOW. get ur fukn ass outta the house NOW!” i don’t play that shit. that’s what a woman’s for.”

now, i’m frozen. thankfully, the not-so-gentleman walx away.

a few minutes later, “hellOoooo…” he is antagonizing the same young lady, again. “she’s busy”, i tell him. “she’s workn.” he shuffles over to me and says, “i’m ol school. what’s a woman good for?” i challenge him, “being head of the household?” “no….”, he blinks and lures my eyes away to his hand as it glides toward his groin, “takn care of the dick…” “oh, no!….”, i say. caught off guard, ashamed somehow. he disappears. the young lady and i sit and catch our breath in settling silence. both barely watching a beautiful man in a dress cautiously negotiate his way down a concrete slope in 5 inch heels.

