Be Ecstatic! Be Productive! Be Stress Free!

Vani Jain
8 min readDec 23, 2019


As we grow through life, we prosper in many aspects but what we truly desire is to have a life filled with happiness, a life which is full of smiles all around. A life which is stress-free, a life which we can live freely. But are we really living the life of our dreams?

We are so engrossed in our daily monotonous routine that we simply forget to live the life we have been gifted with. We fail to find happiness in every small moment and at the end of the day, we sit regretting how unhappy we are.

Our definition of happiness might change with age and time but the feeling remains the same. Be it a kid, a teenager or an adult what we desire from life is true happiness. And yet what we fail to find in most occasion is true happiness.

But regardless of our routine and our version of true happiness, living a satisfied life is well and truly within our reach. A few changes in our regular habits is the way going forward.

If you have ever tried to get rid of a bad habit, you would know how embedded they are! Well good for you, good habits are like that too, so let’s work on making good habits and positive vibes a part of our daily routine.

Here are few daily habits that slowly but surely will help you feel happy and more productive throughout the day.


We often smile when we get happy but did you know it works vice-versa too?

Smiling causes the brain to release dopamine, which makes us happier. But this doesn’t mean that you should always fake a smile to feel happy.

But the next time you feel low, just close your eyes and try to smile remembering some of the best memories you have had and see how you feel.

Or you can also make it a habit to look at yourself in the mirror and smile, first thing in the morning.

Photo by Lesly Juarez on Unsplash


Exercise not only helps in better blood circulation and better physical health but also keeps your mind fresh and happy. It will help you in reducing stress, anxiety and even symptoms of depression while also boosting your self-esteem and happiness.

It’s not like you have to train for a marathon or an everest climb- unless that’s what makes you happy. All you have to do is take out a few minutes out of your day for a small amount of physical activity.

Here are a few exercises that you can do for starters:

  • Start your day with a 2-minute breathing exercise which may include Lion’s Breath, Breath of Fire, Alternate Nostril Breathing(Anulom Vilom Pranayama) and other such types of exercises.
  • Enroll in a beginner’s classes for yoga.
  • Take a walk in a nearby park or around your block every night after dinner.

Remind yourself of the outdoor activities you used to enjoy during your childhood or you wished you could try once and make time to include them in your schedule.

The trick here is not to over exert yourself because that would just work opposite of what our goal is.

Photo by Jonathan Borba on Unsplash

Give a compliment:

Receiving some kind compliments always makes you feel happy but have you ever tried to give someone a genuine kind compliment? It not only brings a smile on the receiver’s face but also on your face too. Try it once and you will feel what happens to be one of the best feelings of happiness.

Giving a genuine compliment is the easiest and quickest way to boost your happiness as well as brighten someone else’s day.

Also ensure that you compliment the person looking in their eyes and with a smile on your face to make certain it sounds genuine and you really mean what you say.

Just make sure that complimenting on someone’s looks should be in a respectful manner

Keep a journal:

Develop a habit of writing a journal every night before you go to bed. You don’t have to be a genius writer or write in volumes to benefit from it.

Just jot down all the good things that happened to you throughout the day so that whenever you read them it makes you smile.

You can also write down the not-so-good memories of the day and then strike them off not only from the journal but also from your life because life is too short to hold onto anything other than good memories.

Breathe deeply:

Feeling too stressed? Feel like giving up? In the verge of just losing it all out? Don’t worry! We all have gone through these feelings at least once in our lifetime.

And at that time if your instinct tells you to breathe deeply, listen to it. Because no matter the situation, your instincts are always right. According to a research, deep breathing helps you reduce stress and feel light-hearted.

So next time you are stressed, follow these simple steps to feel lighter:

  • Close your eyes and think of that one moment that makes you the happiest.
  • Deeply inhale through your nose.
  • Wait for a second and slowly exhale through your nose or mouth.
  • Repeat it until you feel better.

In case you have difficulties taking deep breaths, just close your eyes and try backward counting from 10–1 with each breathe and you will feel the difference immediately.

Plan in advance:

Not happy about the way your day pans out? Try to sit down at each night and make a basic list of things you need to complete the following day.

Even if you can’t finish all the tasks, strike out the ones you do and at the end of the day you will be happy about the things you have accomplished. Leave the rest for the next day and sleep peacefully.

Get a fancy planner or stick notes in the refrigerator- do it in a way that makes you feel happy.

If you are not able to plan each and every day, you can instead just plan for the following week and live stress free.

Meet friends:

Socialising with few close friends is the best way to cheer up your mood and have a blast.

In this growing age of work and responsibility, it is almost impossible to make new friends. But thank goodness it’s about quality and not quantity when it comes to having friends.

Who do you miss the most? Reach out to them. Make plans to meet them or if you live far away have some hours long phone conversation.

You can also join some local volunteering group or take some classes together.

Friendship is not just limited to another human being- your pet can also offer similar benefits. And if you don’t have a pet, you can always join as a volunteer in a local animal shelter and make some new friends- both human and animal.


Want to free your mind of all the stress? Meditation is the best way to do that.

There are many different forms of meditation involving focusing, spirituality, movement or their combinations. You can explore and choose the one that fits you the best.

Meditation doesn’t need to be difficult or complicated. Even sitting quietly with your own thoughts is considered a form of meditation. The few exercises that were mentioned previously can also be a part of your meditation.

Start a hobby:

In this busy routine of ours, we easily neglect the things we used to love as a past-time activity. So instead of sitting idle and stressing over things you can’t control, look for something that you can do.

The best way to remain stress free and divert your mind off negative thoughts is to take up a new hobby.

Take out some time and involve yourself in activities that you absolutely love. Be it painting, gardening, reading or any other hobby. Take a class if you must but make sure to include it in your routine and you will notice how happy and satisfied you feel.

Let go of grudges:

Holding onto grudges destroys your mental peace, hinders your effort of moving on and also steals your happiness. So it’s time for you to let them go.

Easier said than done, right? But sometimes you have to let go of the grudges not for the other person but for your own self-care.

Have an ill will toward someone? It’s time to bury the hatchet and move on in life. This doesn’t mean that you have to meet-up that person and reconcile your relationship. Just reach out to them and have a closure.

Even if you don’t want to meet them up just write down those feelings in a paper and fly it off your head and free yourself and be happy.

Take yourself out:

Want a best companion for the rest of your life? Just have a look in the mirror and bingo! You have found the one.

Yes you read that right. The best companion you can ever get is yourself. So if you want a happy life take good care of yourself.

If you are a foodie, take yourself out on a date at your favorite restaurant. A book lover? Go to the best library in town and read your favorite genre. Love shopping? Take yourself to malls or browse through various online shops.

Whatever you like, do it with full heart and you will see how your happiness sky rockets into the seventh heaven.

Get plenty of sleep:

Adequate sleep is very important for good health, better brain functioning as well as emotional well-being.

An adult requires at least 7–8 hours of sleep daily. So if you find yourself fighting the urge to nap in the afternoon or you don’t feel 100% productive, it is your body telling you that you need more rest.

Here are a few tips to help you sleep better:

  • Follow a sleep schedule: sleep and wake up at the same time each day of the week and you will feel drastic change in your energy level and emotions.
  • Invest your time before sleep in some quiet activities like reading a book or meditating.
  • Put aside your electronic devices at least 30 minutes before going to sleep.
  • Invest in a proper bedding.
  • Keep your bedroom dark, cold and quiet.

If you still have problem having adequate and proper sleep, consult a doctor.

“You have the power to choose what to accept and what to let go. So choose happiness and let go of all the stress.”

