Does ZetaClear Work — Treating Nail Fungus — Does ZetaClear Really Work?

Jay Jones
6 min readMar 25, 2018

Hey guys, Jay Jones from

In this article, we’ll be reviewing the ZetaClear nail fungus product. We’ll be going through some of the common questions like how much does ZetaClear cost, where can you get ZetaClear, what’s in ZetaClear, and most importantly, does it actually work on getting rid of nail fungus or is it just some big scam. All right, so let’s jump into it.

First, how much is ZetaClear?

Let’s just get that out of the way. So the price of Zetaclear depends on where you get it. If you get it from the company website, then the price for one bottle is going to be $49.95, if you decide to get the 3-bottle bundle, then you’ll only be paying $99.90, which is roughly $33.30 per bottle. And if you decide to get the 5-bottle bundle, then it’ll just be $149.85, which is roughly only $29.97 a bottle. So as you can see with these packages, the bigger the bundle, the less you have to pay per bottle which means you save more in the end…and let me tell you, I love taking advantage of a good deal and I know you do too.

I wanted to address this price concern right off the top because I’ve noticed that so many people avoid giving away this information, like they’re scared to tell you how much you would be paying for ZetaClear. It’s completely insane! I want to know, and I know that’s something that you want to know, so why delay that important information. I don’t get it.

All right, enough of my mini rant…

My recommendation is to get the 3-bottle bundle. That way when it starts working on your nail fungus, you don’t have to worry about ordering another bottle. Now if you’re skeptical, which I was at first, then just get the 1-bottle trial. Looking back at how my toenail fungus is now a thing of the past, I definitely would have started with the 3-month bottle from the jump.

Where can you get ZetaClear?

So you can get ZetaClear from the company…as I have already mentioned, (and I’ll include the link in the description), or you can find a few sellers on Amazon who may have some available. Now just a word on buying this from a third party like Amazon…

Iabsolutely love Amazon…one of my favorite places to shop. But when it comes to products like Zetaclear, I tend to want to get it from the company’s website, unless Amazon carries it directly. What do I mean?

Here is the most recent listing of the ZetaClear nail fungus treatment on

If you search on Amazon, and you see the Zetaclear product, you’ll notice that Amazon is not the primary seller. It’s an independent vendor (most times it could be the company) selling through Amazon, which is ok but can also be a little tricky. For that, I would look at the customer reviews to get more insight. Also these orders aren’t eligible for Prime, so if you’re like me and you really want this product now so you can start tackling and getting rid of nail fungus as fast and effectively as you can, you maybe waiting for a while and it may not include everything that you would have gotten if you had just ordered from the company website. I noticed that some of the complaints included not having the applicator brush so you can apply the solution topically on your infected nails. Other complaints were around the product not working. And this could be due to a few reasons. One, if the product is coming from a third-party vendor (other than the company itself or Amazon) then the product could be sitting in a warehouse or garage for a long time and the shelf-life of those key ingredients could have already expired. So this could cause the product from not working to kill your nail fungus. You want to avoid these roadblocks. When I had nail fungus, I didn’t want to risk getting an expired bottle or a bottle that was not stored properly and now the ingredients have been tampered with the physical surroundings & conditions.

So my recommendation is to just get it from the company website. In the end it’s less of a headache and you know exactly who to contact if anything goes wrong in the process. If you decide to get it from someplace like Amazon, check the vendor, and the customer reviews. If everyone who bought from that vendor is giving 1 or 2 stars, then the vendor’s product may not be good. Now that doesn’t mean that the product isn’t good…it could just mean that the vendor’s particular Zetaclear product isn’t good because it’s expired or the the ingredients are no longer active.

Next, what are the Zetaclear ingredients?

ZetaClear Ingredients all come from natural sources. These ingredients include essential oils, carrier oils, and the active ingredient, undecylenic acid, which is FDA-approved and found in many topical over the counter fungus medications used today.

So the key ingredients in Zetaclear include Tea Tree Oil, Lavender Oil, Clove Oil, Lemongrass Oil, Vitamin E Oil, Almond Oil, Jojoba Oil and Undecylenic Acid. Undecylenic Acid is a fatty acid that may be synthetically manufactured or extracted from sources in nature, and is commonly found in over the counter topical fungus medications. Tea Tree, Lavender, Clove, and Lemongrass Oils are all essential oils that have strong, antibacterial and antifungal properties…properties strong enough to combat the toughest of fungus out there. Now, Vitamin E, Almond, and Jojoba Oils are actually carrier oils that are used to dilute the tea tree, lavender, clove, and lemongrass oils before applying it to your nails and begin the healing process. With these natural key ingredients, you can be assured that you are not applying harmful chemicals to your skin and nails.

Also be aware that these essential oils typically have a shelf life of 2 years. So make sure that when you order your bottle of Zetaclear that the expiration date has not passed (again, if you decide to get Zetaclear from the company website, then they will make sure that the solution is not expired. If you order from Amazon, check with the vendor to make sure that you’re not purchasing expired Zeta clear bottles from them; otherwise it’s going to be a waste of money, and I don’t want that to happen to you.

Does it actually work on getting rid of nail fungus?

The short answer is yes. Absolutely. It typically takes a few weeks for you to notice the difference. This was the case for me. Again, make sure you don’t have an expired bottle of ZetaClear, or else it won’t work or could cause irritation to your skin (which we really don’t want). However, depending on how long you’ve had toenail fungus (I’ve had it for over 10 years before finding a solution that worked), and how committed you are to getting rid of your toenail fungus, it’s going to take a little while to see results. Also, if you make sure you do things like file down your infected nail as much as possible so that you can get at the fungus as quickly and effectively as possible, then that can also speed up results. But at the end of the day, you have to be patient and persistent. If you make sure you are paying attention to your nail fungus, and are applying the solution on your nails when you need to, then you will be fine.

So, to wrap up:

If you have nail fungus on your fingers or toes, and the fear of the fungus coming back to rear its thick, ugly, yellow head is your main concern…

…then ZetaClear is what you need — it’s an all-natural formula that carefully and painlessly eliminates your nail fungus, without a chance of it ever coming back!

Here is what you will find on the ZetaClear Website.

And Because ZetaClear Nail Fungus All-Natural Treatment Is So Convenient, There Is Absolutely…

  • NO wasting hours each day on slow working and often ineffective treatments…
  • NO sitting through expensive laser fungus toenail removal treatment sessions…
  • NO having to take anti-fungal pills which could cause serious damage to your liver and other internal organs…
  • NO worrying about the nail fungus coming back, raging its thick, ugly yellow head with a vengeance…
  • NO need to adopt “nail fungus treatment” as your next hobby!

So grab your bottle of ZetaClear now. The link to their website is here. Also, if you want my honest review of this product, click this link that takes you straight to the article I wrote about ZetaClear.

Thanks so much, and here’s to having clear beautiful nails again!

