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How to stop attracting suckiness

Vanita Cyril


They say “Like attracts like” and “everything is connected.”

To me this means that the frequency at which your energy is vibrating affects things external to you, attracting more of the same…

If we’re constantly feeling life sucks, we will attract more sucky things to our lives. When we become more optimistic, we attract more opportunities.

I’ve personally experienced this many times. I remember when I was in my late teens I picked up this saying from my friends “life sucks and then you die”. I carried that saying into my mid-20s and then I somehow stopped saying it. And my life changed drastically. Of course, I didn’t notice it at the time, but hindsight… oh hindsight.

Understanding the frequency your energy is vibrating at

  • Lower frequency vibrations — are produced by negativity. Any time you feel anxiety, anger, fear, jealousy or hatred you are producing low-frequency vibrations. These low, heavy vibrations drag you down.
  • Higher frequency vibrations — are produced by positivity. Any time you feel love, sympathy, confidence, gratitude, awe or kinship you are producing high-frequency vibrations. These light, bouncing vibrations make you feel more energetic and cheerful.

How to measure our…



Vanita Cyril

Family Woman | Website and Digital Assets Designer | Shamanic Practitioner | Ordained Esoteric Minister | Crystal Addict (no, not the Meth kind) (sheesh)