EHR Integration: Advantages, Difficulties, and Steps to Implement

Slava Vaniukov
8 min readSep 20, 2023

Ever felt swamped by the constant hiccups and mistakes at your healthcare center? Missing that personal touch with patients and teamwork that “clicks”?

You’re not alone. Based on recent research on EHR integration and a SWOT analysis, many in the healthcare field share these frustrations. That’s probably why you landed here, right?

Here at Softermii, we know what you’re going through. Our team has put in years of work on platforms like MedRealtime and HIPAA Telmed, designed with EHR integration in mind. Stick around, and I’ll tell you the insights we’ve learned and how it might be the answer you’re looking for.

The Importance of EHR Integration for Healthcare Institutions

Integrating EHR into patient care and operations can be a game-changer. Here’s why:

  • Patient data security is crucial. Integrating EHR ensures that all the sensitive details, from medical histories to treatment plans, are securely stored within a unified system.
  • With EHR, practitioners have real-time access to necessary patient information.
  • Through the integrated electronic health record software, patients can be more proactive in their health management.
  • The process streamlines administrative and clinical operations by automating repetitive tasks and minimizing duplicate data inputs.
  • It also equips organizations with powerful analytics and detailed reporting tools.
  • EHR promotes interoperability. It enables a smooth exchange of patient data among other healthcare systems.

EHR integration can be a transformative tool for any healthcare establishment with the right approach and understanding.

Advantages of Integrating EHR Systems

Let’s discuss the major benefits of EHR integration into your healthcare organization:

Streamlining the Workflow. EHR systems allow for automated and streamlined workflows. Their incorporation enhances the overall operational efficiency within healthcare facilities.

Unified Patient Care. These systems foster collaboration and communication through unified access to crucial patient data. It may be medical history, test results, and treatment plans, including telemedicine facets.

Heightened Patient Safety and Quality of Care. Patient safety is the biggest priority in healthcare. The integration reduces medical errors and fosters evidence-based practices. With telemedicine EHR software development, providers can access vital patient data, allergies to medication, etc.

Boosted Efficiency and Productivity. Healthcare organizations report a noticeable boost in efficiency and productivity with EHRs.

Enhanced Patient Engagement and Interaction. Integrated electronic health record systems foster patient engagement and interaction, leading to a cohesive healthcare journey.

Advanced Data Analytics and Reporting. EHR integration paves the way for advanced data analytics. It offers in-depth insights and reporting capabilities to streamline operations further.

Addressing EHR Integration Challenges

EHR integration has become a necessity in healthcare facilities. Yet, just like any other program, it also comes with challenges. I want to pinpoint some considerations and offer strategies to mitigate them.

Integration occasionally conflicts with existing systems, such as practice management software or other healthcare applications.

  1. System Compatibility Issues. Integration can conflict with existing systems. It could be like practice management software or other healthcare applications.

Our Solution: At Softermii, we specialize in addressing compatibility challenges. We provide an in-depth analysis of your current setup and create custom solutions to ensure seamless data transfer and interoperability across all relevant applications.

2. Staff Resistance to New Technologies. Implementing new technologies such as EHR systems might face resistance from staff accustomed to existing workflows.

Our Solution: We at Softermii know the criticality of user acceptance and adept change management. Our experts work closely with your team to provide comprehensive training and ongoing support. You can always rely on clear communication throughout the implementation process.

3. Financial Implications. The EHR integration in medical practice process might bring significant expenses. They could include software licenses, hardware enhancements, data migration, and sustained maintenance.

Our Solution: We align with your financial limitations and needs. We collaborate to develop a cost-effective integration plan that aligns with your budget and operational needs.

4. Data Privacy Concerns. Data privacy and adhering to regulatory requirements like HIPAA are vital during the EHR integration best practices.

Our Solution: Data safety and confidentiality are a top priority for Softermii. We implement strict encryption, access regulations, and secure authentication procedures to safeguard sensitive patient data.

Integration Preparation for EHRs

The integration of EHRs into an existing system requires systematic planning. Follow these steps for a smooth integration process:

  1. Objective Setting for EHR integration:
  • Define your precise goals for EHR integration.
  • Identify the specific outcomes you aim to achieve — workflow efficiency, patient care enhancement, or streamlining data management.
  • Define the specific requirements of your organization.

2. Assessment of Current Medical Systems:

  • Review the current medical systems to determine compatibility with the chosen EHR solution.
  • Analyze if the current systems have the technical capabilities to support EHR integration
  • Identify areas that might need updates or modifications for successful EHR integration.

3. Data and System Preparation for Integration:

  • Before integration, ensure that data and systems are in optimal condition.
  • Plan for data migration if necessary.
  • Perform comprehensive system analysis to detect if hardware, software, or infrastructure updates are necessary.

4. Maintaining Transparent Communication:

  • Continuous communication is essential during the integration process.
  • Set up established communication channels among all parties involved.
  • Ensure everyone is well-informed about EHR integration’s goals, schedules, and prerequisites.

5. Formulating a Detailed Implementation Strategy:

  • Draft an implementation plan detailing milestones, tasks, and deadlines.
  • Segment the integration process into manageable stages.
  • Delegate tasks to team members, ensuring they have the required resources.
  • Periodically check the plan, making adjustments based on feedback or any encountered challenges.

6. Training and Facilitating Adoption:

  • Conduct thorough training sessions to familiarize staff with the integrated EHR system.
  • Instruct users on the new workflows, features, and advantages of EHR integration.
  • Encourage staff participation to derive maximum advantages from the EHR system.

EHR Provider Selection and Management

Choosing an apt EHR provider is crucial. Keep these guidelines in mind when selecting an EHR vendor:

  1. Specify Requirements and Goals:

Start by outlining your needs and objectives for EHR integration. List the essential features and functionalities.

2. Research and Recommendations:

Perform in-depth research to find suitable EHR vendors for your industry. Get recommendations from industry peers or associations to gather valuable insights.

3. Engage in Product Demos:

Schedule product demonstrations with potential vendors to assess the system’s efficiency and user experience.

4. Check Integration Capabilities:

Verify the vendor’s history of successful integrations with systems similar to yours.

5. Evaluate Support and Training Provisions:

Examine the vendor’s support services, including response times and communication methods.

6. Review Pricing and Contract Details:

Gain a clear understanding of the vendor’s pricing model and contract stipulations. Take into account both initial and ongoing costs.

7. Reference Check and Due Diligence:

Ask the vendor for client references and engage with existing clients to discover insights into their experiences.

EHR Integration Implementation Stages

Regarding EHR integration into existing products, ensuring a structured approach is essential. Here are the key phases:

  1. Product Assessment. Check if your current tools and software are compatible with EHR data exchange
  2. Data & System Preparation. Organize your data, ensuring it’s accurate, consistent, and ready for integration.
  3. Protocol & Standard Selection. Choose relevant integration standards and protocols based on your goals. You could go for FHIR, DICOM, or HL7 standard integration.
  4. API & Interface Creation. Develop interfaces and APIs to bridge the data transfer gap between your product and the EHR system.
  5. Data Security Assurance. Throughout the process, implement stringent data security and privacy measures.
  6. System Testing. Check the system for any potential hitches or glitches to rectify them.
  7. User Training. Equip providers and patients with the knowledge to use the EHR software.
  8. Ongoing Oversight. Once the system is up and running, ongoing checks will keep it operating smoothly.

Steps to Integrate EHR Systems in Hospitals

Integrating EHR systems like Epic, MEDITECH, or Cerner in hospital settings demands a specific strategy.

To discover how to integrate EHR API in hospital, follow these steps:

  • EHR API Guidelines. Before integration, get to know the guidelines set by the EHR vendor.
  • API Key Procurement. Secure an API key or authentication details from the EHR vendor for system interaction.
  • Access EHR Data. With this key, you can retrieve available EHR data. It could be patient information, medical histories, and laboratory findings.
  • Integration Test. Conduct tests to ensure data exchange efficiency. Post successful testing, finalize the EHR API integration within hospital systems.

API Integration Advantages

EHR API integration offers several merits, such as:

  • Fluid Data Transfer. Patient data transfer becomes easier, minimizing manual data input and heightening accuracy.
  • Operational Efficiency. Workflows become more streamlined, conserving time and minimizing errors.
  • Patient Care Enhancement. Real-time patient data access through APIs empowers providers with informed decision-making and superior patient care.

Choosing between Epic, Cerner, and MEDITECH

When considering an EHR system, three names often stand out:

  • Epic. A versatile system with a range of features tailored for different healthcare needs.
  • Cerner. It emphasizes clinical workflow, patient interaction, and population health, focusing on analytics and interoperability.
  • MEDITECH. A broad-spectrum provider, MEDITECH offers EHR solutions that fit various healthcare settings.

Upcoming Changes in EHR Integration

EHR integration is shifting, and it’s exciting to see where technology and the need for smooth information flow in healthcare are taking us.

Here’s what’s on the horizon:

  • Better Interoperability. The push for better healthcare interoperability means we could expect evolving standards.
  • Growth in API Usage. APIs play a central role in EHR integration, with their prominence only set to rise.
  • Rise of Cloud-Based EHRs. Cloud adoption in healthcare soars, and cloud-based EHR platforms are taking center stage.
  • Mobile Integration and Enhanced Patient Involvement. Almost everyone has a smartphone, which leads to a stronger link between EHRs and mobile tech.
  • AI and Predictive Analysis Integration. Imagine EHRs making smart predictions or suggestions. With AI, that’s where we’re headed.
  • Blockchain for Data Security. The potential of blockchain to elevate healthcare data protection is becoming hard to ignore.

Softermii Innovations

Softermii recognizes the transformative power of AI in reshaping the fintech landscape. We’ve put our expertise to work and develop solutions to optimize processes, fortify security, and elevate efficiency.

Take MedRealtime, for instance. It uses machine learning techniques to distill actionable insights from medical data. Healthcare professionals can now make decisions rooted in data, ensuring tailored care.

This platform melds seamlessly with present EHR systems, ensuring fluid data flow.

Then there’s HIPAA Telmed. It is a digital platform that encourages dynamic interactions between doctors and patients. It has all the features of popular apps, such as document sharing and appointment management.

The vision behind this app is to give doctors and patients a fresh way to connect, making healthcare easier on the wallet.

Final Thoughts

Infusing telehealth tools into your medical practice brings a wealth of advantages. They include efficient processes, superior patient care, and increased operational efficiency.

Of course, there are challenges in the EHR integration journey — from system compatibility to data privacy.

Softermii offers end-to-end healthcare app solutions. We always adhere to pivotal security guidelines like GDPR, HL7, and SOC2. Reach out to us for a refined approach to medical software creation.



Slava Vaniukov

Co-Founder and CEO at Softermii, with over 9-years of experience in the web and mobile development industry and passion for traveling.