Online Payment Gateway Integration: A Thorough Guide

Slava Vaniukov
8 min readJan 17, 2024


Selecting a suitable payment gateway is critical to enhancing the customer shopping experience. E-commerce entities must effortlessly accept diverse payment methods to thrive. Nonetheless, the integration of payment gateways entails intricate procedures.

Boasting over nine years in custom software development, Softermii deeply understands the technical demands for integrating payment gateways into e-commerce platforms. Our proficiency equips us to impart comprehensive knowledge to businesses about enabling their customers’ favored payment methods. This article delves into gateway solutions’ varied types and attributes and examines the associated integration costs.

Varieties of Payment Gateways

Payment gateways act as digital sentinels for financial transactions. They safeguard the transfer of funds from the buyer’s bank to the seller’s during online purchases. The choice of a payment gateway hinges on your enterprise’s needs, technical prowess, and the customer experience you wish to offer.

Hosted Payment Gateways

These gateways reroute customers from a site to the gateway’s platform for transaction completion, returning them to the original site post-transaction.

They are easy to implement and oversee, as the processor manages security and PCI compliance. However, this redirection might interrupt the user experience, potentially leading to abandoned carts.

Integrated Payment Gateways

These gateways meld seamlessly with e-commerce sites using APIs, allowing in-site transaction processing.

Integrated gateways enhance user experience and brand consistency but demand technical know-how for setup and maintenance. Some security and PCI compliance responsibilities also fall on the business.

Self-hosted Payment Gateways

Companies collect payment information in this model and forward it to the gateway’s URL.

Self-hosted gateways offer extensive customization and control over user interactions. However, directly handling customer data entails greater security and compliance obligations.

Local Bank Integration

Shoppers are redirected to their bank’s website for payment and returned to the original site.

This method is often viewed as more trustworthy due to familiar bank interfaces. However, like hosted gateways, redirection might dissuade some customers.

Direct Post Method

Payment processing occurs on the business’s site while the gateway’s servers execute the transaction. This shift is typically imperceptible to the user.

This type shares security responsibilities between the business’s site and the payment processor. Still, some security duties remain with the business.

Mobile Payment Gateways

These are specifically designed for mobile applications optimized for smooth mobile transactions.

This approach facilitates quicker mobile checkouts and leverages the expanding mobile commerce sector. However, certain gateways might necessitate additional integrations or configurations for mobile platforms.

Essential Attributes of Payment Gateways

A proficient payment gateway transcends mere transaction facilitation. It should be secure, user-friendly, adaptable, and reliable. When seeking an optimal gateway, businesses should consider these attributes:

Robust Security and Fraud Prevention

Payment gateways should employ SSL encryption and tokenization and offer fraud detection mechanisms like address verification systems (AVS) and card verification value (CVV) checks.

Effortless Integration

Gateway APIs should integrate smoothly with diverse platforms, be compatible with key shopping carts and e-commerce systems, and provide SDKs for developer use.

User-Oriented Design

Gateways must be intuitively designed, with rapid checkout options, and mobile optimization is increasingly advantageous.

Consistent Customer Support

Around-the-clock assistance should be accessible via phone, chat, and email.

Dynamic Reporting Capabilities

Real-time analytics and tailored reporting features provide valuable sales and performance insights.

Recurring Billing Feature

Gateways should support automated recurring payments and offer flexible billing schedules for businesses with subscription models.

Diverse Payment Methods

Gateways should accept major credit and debit cards, be compatible with popular digital wallets, and integrate with bank transfers and cryptocurrencies.

Optimal Uptime and Dependability

Systems should consistently be operational, minimizing downtime and swiftly processing transactions.

Selecting an Appropriate Payment Gateway

Consider factors impacting customer abandonment, sales, and trust when choosing a gateway. Here are some aspects to contemplate:

Security Standards

Verify the gateway’s adherence to PCI DSS requirements and its fraud protection capabilities.

Cost Analysis

Examine the gateway’s pricing structure, including transaction fees, monthly charges, setup costs, and potential hidden fees.

Payment Method Support

Choose a gateway supporting various payment methods like credit/debit cards and e-wallets.

Global and Multi-Currency Support

Ensure the gateway supports currency conversion and localized payment options for different regions or countries for international reach.

Reputation and Feedback

Gather insights from other businesses about their experiences with potential gateways.

The Integration Process of Online Payment Gateways

Integrating a payment gateway is pivotal for businesses, facilitating secure transactions and enhancing the purchasing process. Here’s an outline of the integration steps:

Project Scoping and Planning

Businesses should identify specific requirements, such as operational regions, accepted currencies, or transaction volumes. It informs the choice of a suitable payment gateway or developing a P2P payment application.

Integration Design

The focus then shifts to designing the payment process, ensuring an intuitive customer journey from shopping cart to payment confirmation. The design should facilitate a seamless checkout while the backend manages data processing and gateway communication.

Integration Implementation

After selecting a payment system, developers use the provided API for website integration, setting up the backend for transaction handling. It includes processing payment requests and responses. Front-end developers implement the UI/UX designs on payment pages, ensuring functionality and user-friendliness.

Testing and Deployment

Engineers test transactions in the gateway’s sandbox environment before launching, confirming correct payment processing. User testing helps identify and resolve any issues. After addressing all concerns, the system transitions from the sandbox to live operation.

Ongoing Maintenance

Continuous updates and monitoring are vital to maintain the integration’s effectiveness and durability. Regular maintenance ensures the system stays abreast of the latest technologies and security protocols, safeguarding against vulnerabilities.


Post-integration, creating comprehensive documentation of the process is crucial. It includes details from API specifics to maintenance strategies, ensuring continuity and adaptability for future needs.

When executed proficiently, the multifaceted nature of payment gateway integration can significantly benefit an e-commerce venture. Opt for a company with a dedicated, experienced team to provide customers with a secure and seamless experience.

Payment Gateway Integration Cost

Creating an online payment platform from scratch is optional, but hidden and indirect costs are often overlooked. To budget effectively and select a cost-efficient option, comprehend all factors influencing integration expenses. Let’s explore these factors.

Setup Charges

Some gateways impose a setup fee for service access. The amount varies based on brand reputation and feature offerings.

Subscription Fees

Providers may adopt a monthly or annual subscription model, either flat-rate or transaction volume-dependent.

Per-Transaction Fees

A common fee involves charges per transaction, usually a percentage of the transaction value, occasionally with an additional fixed rate.

Cross-Border Charges

For international customer sales, extra fees may apply for transactions in different currencies or from abroad.

Integration Costs

While major platforms may offer pre-built plugins for common CMS and e-commerce systems, bespoke integrations incur additional development costs.

Chargeback Penalties

In transaction disputes resulting in chargebacks, gateways may apply a fee to cover administrative costs and incentivize quality service.

Security Expenses

Investments in additional security measures like SSL certificates or advanced fraud protection incur separate costs, though crucial for safe payment processing.

Maintenance and Upgrades

Regular updates to the integration are necessary due to changes in gateway APIs or new security and feature standards. These periodic updates may entail costs.

Contract Termination Penalties

Contracts with certain providers might incur termination fees if they switch systems before the contract ends.

Extra Feature Costs

Services like advanced analytics, dedicated support, or enhanced fraud protection may attract additional charges.

Compliance Expenditures

Ensuring compliance with PCI DSS and other regulations might necessitate adjustments to your setup, leading to further costs.

Case Studies and Examples of Payment Gateway Integration

Examining successful payment gateway integrations showcases how they have revolutionized business operations and customer interactions. Here are some illustrative cases:

Walmart & PayPal

Walmart Marketplace aimed to empower smaller sellers on their platform, aspiring to elevate quality and expand payout options and platform innovations.


In 2019, Walmart integrated PayPal’s Hyperwallet for payouts, offering diverse payout methods and leveraging PayPal’s trustworthiness.


Many new sellers opted for Hyperwallet, facilitating smooth operations and fostering understanding between customers and sellers. It also aligned with Walmart’s goal of nurturing a premium seller community.

Lyft & Stripe

Lyft drivers sought more frequent payouts than the traditional weekly schedule. The challenge was to provide payments at the drivers’ convenience without disruptions.


Lyft partnered with Stripe to create Express Pay, enabling drivers to choose their payout times, sometimes within hours after completing a ride.


Within six months of the integration, over 40% of Lyft drivers had chosen Express Pay, significantly attracting more drivers to the platform.

Due South & Square

Due South aimed to incorporate smooth online payments in its online expansion strategy. Many solutions were either exclusively for online stores or required simplification for quick adoption.


In 2020, Due South launched an online store utilizing Square’s online payment gateway. They integrated their inventory information, ensuring online products reflected real-time stock levels to prevent overselling.


Square’s solution ensured continuous business operations and boosted Due South’s online sales, demonstrating the importance of a well-integrated payment system.

Softermii’s Expertise in Payment Gateway Integration

Softermii has assisted numerous clients in embedding online payment services into their digital offerings. Here are some instances where our expertise facilitated online payment integration:

We developed a multi-tier checkout process with intricate fraud prevention rules for an aesthetic lingerie retailer. This approach minimized unnecessary transaction blocks, enhancing Estethic’s sales performance.

In Streamotion’s unique selling scenario during live broadcasts, we integrated e-commerce with real-time streaming. It allowed viewers to add items to their cart with a click and complete purchases through Stripe.

The Proper app, catering to tenants and landlords, required a streamlined payment process within messaging conversations. Our solution enabled contractors to embed payment links in messages and landlords to receive invoices as actionable notifications, elevating the quality of maintenance services.

For HIPAA Telmed in the sensitive telehealth sector, we constructed a secure payment portal with robust encryption. It enabled doctors to initiate video consultations, confident in validating user payments, thereby optimizing healthcare delivery.

Each project provided valuable insights into balancing user experience, business needs, and regulatory compliance. Payment integration is a key area of our expertise, simplifying commerce for innovative businesses across various sectors.

Concluding Thoughts

The choice of a payment gateway should align with your business’s immediate and future aspirations. Regardless of the selected gateway type, prioritize security, dependability, and user-friendliness. Achieving the right balance between operational demands, costs, and customer experience is crucial for maximizing benefits.

Don’t let payment processing limitations hinder your online business’s growth. Contact the Softermii team to incorporate secure, efficient payment solutions into your website or application. Our team of skilled developers is prepared to deliver a robust payment solution tailored to your business needs.



Slava Vaniukov

Co-Founder and CEO at Softermii, with over 9-years of experience in the web and mobile development industry and passion for traveling.