Annapurna Base Camp Trek: Understanding the Circuit

Vaniya Siddhartha
5 min readDec 16, 2023
Annapurna Peak

ABC trek, also known as the Annapurna Base Camp trek, is one of the best walk-throughs of diverse landscapes and cultures, complete with rich mountain views, terraced farming, quaint Gurung villages, and a lot of wild animals and plants. Mount Annapurna is the tenth-highest peak in the world, with a height of 8901 m.

Annapurna Base Camp trek is a trekking route that takes the trekkers to the base camp of this Mountain, which is at 4130 meters. The trip takes 14 days to complete. We start from Kathmandu airport on the first day and end the journey by returning to Kathmandu itself on the 14th day.

You will start the journey on the third day by taking a flight from Kathmandu to Pokhara. That day will be a rest day in Pokhara, and the following day we will proceed to Nayapul with a drive from Pokhara.

Nayapul is the starting point of the Annapurna Base Camp trek map. On the fourth day, the trekkers will trek from Nayapul to Tikhedhunga. After resting for a day in Tikhedhunga, we will continue traveling to Ghorepani. We will also take a few breaks for acclimatization.

We will have an early morning hike to Poon Hill on the sixth day and a trek to Tadapani. After that, the trekkers will continue their journey from Tadapani to Chomrong. However, we will remember to keep ourselves hydrated and physically fit. The trekkers will again hike from Chomron to Dovan on the eighth day, and then they will go from Dovan to Machhapuchhre Base Camp.

The charming villages and friendly locals you will interact with throughout the journey will keep you entertained and encouraged. After acclimatizing for a day in Machhapuchhre Base Camp, the trek will continue to Annapurna Base Camp, our final destination.

Annapurna Base Camp Trek Route

Celebrate the successful climb on the Annapurna base camp and get ready to trek back to Dovan. From Dovan, the trekkers will hike to the Jhinu Dada, where they will experience the beauty of the natural hot spring.

Now, as you have gone through one of the best trekking experiences in Nepal, it is time to return to Nayapul and Pokhara. We will stay for a day at Pokhara, and then on the 14th day, the trekkers will depart from Pokhara to Kathmandu.

So pack your bags, and get ready mentally and physically to experience one of the best trekking trials in Nepal. The Annapurna Base Camp hike is also approachable, less costly, and shorter. Even more, value is added to the Annapurna Base Camp hike by the legacy of the Annapurna range and the legends around its climbing history.

Best Time for Annapurna Base Camp Trek

Annapurna Base Camp Trek

If you are a true adventurer or outdoor enthusiast, then seasons are never a barrier for trekking. However, any trekker should certainly check for the correct time and way to plan anything. The same goes for the Annapurna Base Camp Trekking route.

The ideal months for trekking on the Annapurna Circuit are generally viewed as April and May or October and November. It’s not too chilly when traveling to high altitudes throughout these second seasons because the weather is style and dry. Given the number of trekkers from all over the world climbing the Himalayas during this second season, it’s also the busiest time for being on the trail.

Trekking is feasible throughout the rest of the calendar year, but you’ll have to be more prepared for bad weather. Sunny skies and magnificent views are also available during the winter, which lasts from December to March. The trail may be muddy, and landslides are more frequent during the monsoon season, which lasts from June to August.

It is essential to keep yourself ready in any season if you plan to hike in this area. Even if you plan to walk in the summer season, remember that ABC is a cold area. So be prepared to experience the chilling cold temperature.

How Difficult is the Annapurna Base Camp Trek?

The trek to Annapurna Base Camp is like a rollercoaster for your legs! You’ll experience an exhilarating journey that takes you past dense forests, gushing waterfalls, and up to the foot of some of the most beautiful mountains in the world. But it has its downs and ups, just like any incredible rollercoaster.

As you pass past picturesque villages and terraced rice fields, you’ll begin with a gradual incline. But only settle a little because you’ll shortly encounter some pitch that will make your legs burn.

The trail will become more rugged as you hike farther, and you’ll begin to notice the effects of the elevation. However, the true thrill is when you get to base camp, where you’ll be surrounded by some of the most beautiful peaks on earth. It’s a sensation, and you’ll recall it long after the trek.

Even though the trail seems very hard and challenging, you can decrease all these difficulties if well-planned. The primary thing you need to have to complete the circuit is the right attitude and preparation. Besides that, you should also keep a slow pace, have proper gear, keep yourself hydrated, and check if your body is fit.

Food and Accommodation during the trek

Thakali Khana Set

Annapurna Base Camp trek will certainly not have a lot of food options for folding. Still, the foods and accommodations you will experience there will be the best. The locals of that area are accommodating. Besides, they also never compromise when it comes to the hospitality of their guests.

The lodges and homestays in the Annapurna Base Camp certainly make the trekkers feel comfortable and cozy from the cold season that exists there almost every season. Both your physical body and mental health will be highly refreshed by the hospitality you receive there.


Overall, the Annapurna Base Camp trek is something one must not miss while visiting Nepal. Everything starting from the views, the residents, flora-fauna, and the accommodations and foods is just unbelievably great.

Moreover, this trek can also be done as a practice if you are planning for higher treks or expeditions. At last, one thing that I would want to add from my side is that visiting Nepal means visiting the cultural-historical places and the mountains. Therefore, if you miss the Annapurna Base Camp trek while in Nepal, you might miss something out of the bests.



Vaniya Siddhartha

Creative SEO Writer | 4+ years 🚀 | Crafting captivating content that fuels digital success! 📝Instagram: @sidwrites_._