Ý nghĩa của nghi lễ và bài văn khấn thôi nôi cho bé


The notion that the puja ceremony takes place smoothly shows respect, it must be smooth from word of mouth. Therefore, the reading of vows requires the celebrant to read clearly and concisely.

The purchase and sale of offerings should not be overused to avoid spoilage and rancid offerings. This is considered disrespectful to the gods.

After having enough offerings and prayers for the whole year for the baby, choosing a good day also plays an important part. Parents, please choose the zodiac hour or the time that is suitable for the baby’s age.

WEBSITE: https://dichvudocungtamphuc.com/van-khan-thoi-noi-cho-be-chuan-truyen-thong/



Văn Khấn Cúng Thôi Nôi

Có rất nhiều yếu tố cần xem xét để bố mẹ có một lễ tắm bé trọn vẹn. https://dichvudocungtamphuc.com/van-khan-thoi-noi-cho-be-chuan-truyen-thong/