Location Based Access Control — GSoC 2019 with OpenMRS

5 min readAug 14, 2019


Project Wiki:- https://wiki.openmrs.org/display/projects/Location+based+Access+Control+-+Phase+2

Mentor:- Kailayapathy Suthagar
Backup Mentor:- Daniel Kayiwa

Source Code Repository

Project Description


  • ✅ Automating the LABC module installation
  • ✅ Modify the current implementation to add one or more access locations to a user.
  • ✅ Enable encounter access based on patient location.
  • ✅ Manage location-based restrictions based on user roles.
  • ✅ Create a REST endpoint to show/edit the configurations of LBAC.
  • ❌ Add location restrictions to Reporting-REST.

Extra Credit

  • Create an OWA page to show the System Information.


Detail module deployment guidelines can be found from this link,

v0.2.0 Release

you can get the module from the OpenMRS Add-Ons or Bintray using this following link

A User Having Access to Multiple Locations.
User Having Option to Multiple Location in OpenMRS.

LBAC-34: Added UserRole Based Location Access

LBAC-38: Adding Support for LBAC on/off feature on Entities

LBAC-37: Encounter Access based on patient Location

LBAC-39: Migration of Patients to a Location

LBAC-41: LBAC On/OFF on entities

LBAC-40: check and show the required Modules

Get request to check the required modules

LBAC-44: Get Entities Location wise count

Rest Endpoint to Get the Count of Patient Location wise.
Rest Endpoint to Get the Count of Encounter Location wise.

LBAC-43: Adding of OWA page to show the information

Location wise user count screen
Location wise Patient count screen
Location wise Encounter count screen.



Weekly Blog Posts

All my post can be seen at


Mid-term Presentation

Mid Term presentation of LBAC GSoC Project.

Future Works

* Find a way to Add Location restrictions to the reporting rest Module.

Learning through the GSoC

Well, this was my first time participating in GSoC, and it has been fun working with OpenMRS.
I have worked with Java, Spring, and Angular during the project time, and got a lot of experience for the better programming and about the quality of the code.

Not forgetting the interactive community on Irc and talk that was always there for any blockers and help. My mentor Suthagar has been always there for helping with the issue Guidance for me throughout the GSoC’19, I would especially thank him.

It’s not all about code but the quality and maintainability of the code that matters...

Thanks for Org Admin @suthagar23, @irenyak1 for making this GSoC period go smooth, making things clear with guidance and being helpful.

Thank You OpenMRS.




Senior Undergraduate in Computer Science at IIT(BHU) Varanasi