Rest to Edit LBAC Configuration

Week 06 [July 01, 2019 — July 07, 2019]

1 min readJul 9, 2019

Encounter Access


Worked on Making encounter Access Based on Patient Location. Implemented this Feature, so the Provider can Access the previous Encounters of Patient even if they don’t belong to his Location. For this, we are having Global Property to whether have access either with patient location or Encounter location.

  • LBAC-39: Enable encounter access based on patient location

Rest Services

We are developing this Services to change the configurations of the LBAC Module. The Developed Rest Services are further used by the OWA (Open Web App) Page to edit the configurations from the UI. Building the OWA page and integrating with the Rest Services is my next week work.

  1. End point for Migration of Patient to a Location
  2. Check the Required Module versions required for the installing of LBAC(location based access control Module )
  3. Managing of LBAC on/off For Entities.

Currently, the LBAC Feature is applied for Patient, Encounter, Location, Person, User here we are adding a Global Property to whether apply Location Based restrictions on the entity or not. In this, every entity has its own global property whether or not to add the restrictions.

  • LBAC-38: Global Property for Every Entity Restriction
  • LBAC-39: Migration of Patients to a Location




Senior Undergraduate in Computer Science at IIT(BHU) Varanasi