VP Guides | How to Submit an NFT-based Installation Design Proposal

Published in
3 min readJan 17, 2022

Have you had the chance to read about creating stunning immersive installations from your digital topography NFTs? If you’re completely unfamiliar with the LiquidiTao project, our Whitepaper Mini is a wonderful place to begin. It explains both the underpinnings of the community structure and the monetary incentives behind member-designed installations.

In short, successful proposals get funded, and successful installers get quarterly dividends!

Take advantage of the opportunity to inspire the community by creating original applications which will elevate the brand equity for all holders! In order to win the available treasury funds, there is a required documentation upload process, which is detailed below.

Holders who submit their installation design for the community vote can get treasury funds to cover the costs of their installation if they win, but the rewards don’t stop there. Upon the installation’s completion, they qualify for quarterly dividends (15% of future sales), shared equally between all members who’ve been successful with treasury installations. This is to incentivize holders following through on the installation execution plan which will progressively elevate brand equity.

The one eligibility requirement to submit a design proposal is to be an active VanPoure NFT holder. Only active holders have license to create physical derivative works of their Topography NFTs. Similarly, since these individuals are expected to be more invested in the well-being of the community than non-holders the voting power is also exclusively given to active holders. To learn more about how this whitelist process works using the Snapshot dApp for voting, read our article How to Vote on Proposals.

Preparation Checklist

VanPoure’s community treasury page which will reflect the treasury funds that may be requested. The amount in the treasury on October 31, 2022 is the maximum amount allocated to this first round of funding.

The Installation Submission Form will be available on our website for the length of the submission period: Nov 1- Dec 31st, 2022. Everything members need to get started is centralized here.

Shop the collections & read our official publication for inspiration while imagining the kind of installation design you want to submit for member voting.

In order to submit a proposal, the holder may prepare the following:

  • Blueprint: a digitally simulated NFT arrangement (see our downloadable templates you can use to upload your NFT’s .png file)
  • Visualization: a drawing or photograph of the space, conveying the energetic impact of the final look which provides a sense of the in-person experience
  • Quote: itemized costs from manufacturers and contractors for how funds will be used across materials and labor
  • Narrative: context which conveys significance and meaning to the voting members

The installation form will ask for the final measurements. The rectangular NFTs are a 3:4 aspect ratio, and the square NFTs are a 1:1 aspect ratio. The max recommended printing size for each panel is 18" x 24" for rectangular NTFs and 18" x 18" for square NFTs.

Interested audiences can start playing with the layout templates to come up with possible arrangements while deciding on embellishments (if any), such as crystals, metal appliqué, or LED lighting detail. Use VanPoure’s downloadable templates as the final layout blueprint if you plan to submit for treasury funds in our first round of voting.

Voting Period

All submissions which contain the required documentation will be published on VanPoure.com for voters to review prior to the voting, which runs from January 1–31, 2023.

At least two eligible proposals from unique holder addresses must be submitted in order for the current round of voting to be held; otherwise, voting is postponed until the next quarter.

With enthusiasm and love, we look forward to publishing submissions for our very first round of funding. We wish our community a very happy spring season of designing and dreaming!

