Designing a “Start Here” Page for a Creator to display their best work in a place.

In this case study, I will break down my thought process for designing a webpage for a creator that aggregates their info on the web.

Vansh Goel
5 min readDec 30, 2022


I was a part of 10k Designers ( Cohort 5 ), In one of our assignments, we were assigned to design a webpage for a creator and practice visual design in Figma along with some simple problem-solving and design processes.

The exact brief was:

Design a web page for a creator that acts as a “Start here” page that aggregates their info on the web and their best work in one place.

Let’s start.

🚩Problem Statement

Problem of discoverability by creating a “Start here” page that collects all their links and shows the highlights from their body of work.

✨Final Design

Before starting out with the Case Study here is the Final Design of the Webpage.

🤔Why did I choose Jay Kapoor?

You might be thinking why did I choose Jay Kapoor in spite of anyone out there? I choose him because I want to do this assignment for someone who I actually follow. I am following him since 2016 and I think he provides a lot of value in his content. Also, currently, he does not have a website.

💁🏻How this website can Impact him?

  • Since he has a large body of work many viewers don’t know about his other work. So, the start here page is going to help his viewers to know more about his work.
  • He will be able to use this link in his bio on platforms like Twitter and Instagram and viewers can see all details about him in one place.
  • His viewers or Brands can reach out to him regarding any promotions or any other query.


I try to implement what I learned so far and use the design process which helps me break down a project into small stages which are easier to handle.

I keep asking myself at every step “ Is this enough to move forward” if the answer is yes I proceed to the next one. Whenever I feel stuck or facing any difficulty I go back to previous steps to reevaluate the earlier decisions this helps me tackle the problem during the project.

Non-Linear Process

🧭Research and explore

I started the work by doing some research on him and trying to collect his work. My aim was to collect more and more information about him and later I can choose what to put or what not.

💡Key Insights -

  • Content on social media with 1 million plus followers.
  • Newsletter with 10K + subscribers.
  • He also has some Apps and one app has 5M+ downloads on Play Store.
  • India’s youngest Youtuber who crossed 1 Lakh Subscribers.

🔬Competitive analysis

After some research, then I go to find some inspiration to find out how other creators are solving their discoverability problem and how they are showcasing their work. I try to get insights from them which helps me in creating my mood board.

For inspiration, I especially look for websites of other content creators. Here are some of the cool content creators’ websites that I looked into:


After Research and exploration, I create Information architecture to get a birds-eye view and to know what to put in each section of the website.
I make sure to think about the hierarchy of sections and prioritization of information inside each section.

Information Architecture helps me to know what to include and when to include it.


After working on Information architecture, now I start making paper wireframes and then low-fidelity wireframes to get a rough idea of how my information will look in design.

🌠Visual design

As I have seen in Jay’s videos he is very calm in nature and has a positive vibe, to match up with his personality I used green as my primary color. As green denotes calm vibes. And use Orange and turmeric as an accent color as it goes well with Green color.


✍️ My Learnings

  • You can take inspiration from anywhere. Don’t limit yourself by just taking inspiration from your product niche.
  • One thing that really helped me is asking a question to myself is this enough to move forward? if the answer is yes then I move forward. This helps me build my forward momentum in such big projects.
  • Iterating and taking feedback at early stages can help in saving a lot of time.
  • By writing this case study — I learned how to present the information in a structured way.
  • Make your internal deadlines and follow them sincerely.


Thank you for reading this till the end. I hope it was worth reading it.

For any feedback feel free to reach out to me on Twitter, Linkedin, or Email me.

I’m currently open to opportunities as a Product and UI/UX designer.

