Introducing $VAN: Distribution and Emission

2 min readMay 21, 2022


Vanswap is the leading DEX on the Vision Network. $VAN is the platform token for Vanswap, we aim to build a consistent and sustainable liquidity ecosystem.

Key Metrics

  • Token Name: VAN
  • Token Ticker: VAN
  • Blockchain Network: Vision Chain
  • Network Protocol: VRC-20
  • Total Supply: 100,000,000

The Token Generation Event (TGE) is expected to take place in June 2022


The below pie chart illustrates the distribution for $VAN


  • Private Sale — 6.5%: Release 20% after a 6-month lockup period, the remaining 80% released in a 20-month vesting period.
  • IDO — 3%: Unlocked, 100% releases at TGE.
  • Team — 5%: Release 20% after a 9-month lockup period, the remaining 80% released in a 10-month vesting period.
  • Advisor -1.5%: Release 20% after a 3-month lockup period, the remaining 80% released in a 10-month vesting period.
  • Initial Liquidity -2.5%: Liquidity lockup 5 years.
  • Community — 1%: Unlocked, 100% releases at TGE.
  • Marketing — 2.5%: Unlocked, 100% releases at TGE.
  • Ecosystem — 6%: 6-month vesting period.
  • Treasury — 72%: Linearly emits per block in 60 months (5 years) through farms, pools, and others.


The Emission of $VAN is smooth and is expected to last 5 years until its Max Supply is reached. The circulating supply at TGE (initial liquidity excluded) is 8,700,000 $VAN, which accounts for 8.7% of the Max Supply.

Note: the burning mechanism of $VAN is not reflected in the emission schedule chart. The actual circulating supply will be diminishing and the max supply will be lower.

The detailed emission statistics (expected) are shown in the below table

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