The First IDO on Vanswap is Coming

3 min readJul 13, 2022


Hey Visioners, how are you? We know that you guys have been waiting for Vanswap’s IDO news for long. After a few months’ running, Vanswap has become №1 DEX on Vision Chain and an important part of the liquidity and swap infrastructure of this ecosystem. The cumulative trading volume on Vanswap has exceeded 15 million $USD. Vanswap is also the top 1 dapp on Vision by active users.

Following a series of recent great news about Vanswap, it’s time to start our IDO and allow more loyal users to be stakeholders of Vision Eco-system.


Vanswap’s IDO will be conducted via a Private & Pulic IDO solution, which should be already very common in the Blockchain field.

Private Round:

To participate in the private round, you need to finish the social media tasks below to win a whitelist slots:

1. Follow @Van_Swap on Twitter

2. Follow @Vision_Chain on Twitter

3. Like & Retweet the pin message of @Van_Swap and tag 3 friends.

4. Join VanSwap Discord server for the latest updates.

5. Apply for whitelisting by filling the whitelisting form here

After the whitelisting process closes, a lottery will generate a list of users approved for the IDO, and we will announce it in our social-medias.

Allocation and price:

· 1.2 % of the total supply (1,200,000 VAN) will be equally distributed to the 500 whitelist winners, which means every whitelist winner can get 2400 $VAN.

· Price for whitelist winners: 1VS=5 VAN

· Fixed alocation: 480 $VS


1. Registration time: July 20th, 2022, 12:00pm UTC — July 24th, 2022, 00:00am UTC
During this period, all users can participate this event to get a whitelist lottory.

2. Winner announcement time:July 24th, 2022, 12:00pm UTC
We will announce by then, do not forget to check if you are lucky enough to get the whitelist.

3. Deposit Period (36h): July 27th, 2022, 12:00pm UTC — July 29th, 2022, 00:00am UTC
During this period, whitelist winners can deposit $VS into the private pool.

4. Token claim time: Together with public round participaters in August 23th, 2022, 12:00pm UTC
To avoid bots trading, we will distribute the IDO token and airdrop token after we add the liquidity pool on Vanswap.

Public Round:

Different from the previous whitelist round, the public round allows all users to participate, no any restrictions.

Allocation and price:

· A fixed amount of $VAN (1,800,000 VAN) token will be provided as the supply and then users can put in as many $VS as they want into the public pool. The final allocation is determined by the total VS shares deposited by the users, the minimum deposit is 10 $VS

· Price for whitelist winners: 1VS=5 VAN


1. Deposit Period (168h): July 29th, 2022, 12:00pm UTC — August 14th, 2022, 12:00pm UTC
During this period, everyone can deposit $VS into the public pool.

2. Token claim time: August 23th, 2022, 12:00pm UTC

About Vanswap

Vanswap is an AMM-based DEX with an NFT-based governance system. Users can earn $VAN, Vanswap’s platform token, by supplying liquidity to the platform and minting unique NFTs to gain access to the governance system, IDO launchpad, and other areas.

Join us

Website: VanSwap




Telegram: Vanswap

