4 Charts That Show Vaping is Winning It

Vape DNA
2 min readJun 22, 2018


Vaping VS Smoking has been on since vape market was in its cradle stage. And now that it has gotten quite popular around the globe, there have been numerous studies and surveys conducted to show how do they lie in front of one another.

And so comes the following set of charts from BBC that showcase that Vaping is winning it by quite a margin here.

№1: Number of Vapers Increase Per Annum

Number of vapers have increased from about seven million in 2011 to 35 in 2016. And Euromonitor predicts that this number is going to reach 55 million by 2021.

№2: Spending on e-cigarettes is growing

The vapor industry market which was worth $4.2 billion five years ago is now worth $22.6 billion. The above chart displays top countries with biggest vape market.

№3: Vaping Products Growth in global market

Closed tank e-cigarettes use ready-made refills which screw directly on ecig’s battery, whereas in open tank system, the juice that is vaporized can be refilled manually and there is also a removable mouthpiece.

Users have been gradually moving towards open systems and it is reckoned that in 2018, vapers will spend approximately $8.9 billion on open systems which will be more than double the spend on closed system products.

№4: The Drives behind Vaping Use

The most common reason that came out in the survey was “less harmful than smoking”. And about 49% of regular vapers said that they vape to curb their smoking habit.

The study was originally posted at bbc.com

