E Cig is no more a figment of imagination. It is real and it is available everywhere. The number of vapers worldwide has increased exponentially over the last decade. With newer and newer modifications in E Cigs, Clearomizers, E Cig Mods, E-juice content, more and more number of people are trying and falling in love withE Cigs.

Celebrities worldwide are no exception. No doubt, an increasing number of celebrities have given up smoking and turned to the healthy alternative of vaping. The E Cig has appeared in many movies and stage dramas and it looks like it is not going to disappear from the screen ever.

Let’s have a look at how E Cig became a part of the celebrities’ life. This blog is the sequel to our previous posting on Vaping Zone blogs. I bet, it will be an interesting journey, so fasten your seat belt!

E Cigs on Screen — When, Where, and How?

The first patent on E Cigs was filed in the 1960s, but till 2000s, E Cigs were largely hidden from the media and public. Smoking was supposed to be the way to show off your cool during that period.

As E Cigs, the electronic vaping alternative to smoking started gaining some popularity, due to their effectiveness and health benefits as compared to traditional Cigs, E Cigs started rocking the TV and Movie industry.

Do you remember Johnny Depp and Angelina Jolie starrer ‘The Tourist’ that hit the screen in 2010. In the movie, both the hotshots played spies. In a scene, Johnny can be seen vaping an E Cig, as Angelina spots him. What happens next? Well, you better watch the movie!

The legendary actor Kevin Spacey, who played Frank Underwood — the cunning and manipulative protagonist in American version of the British novel and TV series ‘House of Cards’, can be seen vaping in the Netflix TV series. Frank finds vaping as an alternative to get rid of his smoking addiction. Frank says, ‘(Vaping is) Addiction without the consequences’. What a beautiful line!

Another interesting story comes from David Letterman’s late night TV show called Late Show with David Letterman. David Letterman ran this show for 33 long years, which itself is incredible!

On one of the episodes of Late Show with David Letterman, Katherine Heigl can be seen vaping. Katherine clearly admitted that she does not know the mechanism of E Cigs, but know for sure that vaping is ‘not-that-bad-for-you addiction’.

Interestingly, David who has not smoked in past 30 years, apparent from his interview with opera, had three puffs of Katherine’s E Cig, admiring the flavor saying that it is ‘remarkable’.

Apart from the TV and movie celebrities, singers and pop stars are also no exception to the ‘funny addiction’ of E Cigs. Lily Allen’s Hard Out Here is one remarkable video highlighting the era of E Cigs.

Not only Lily Allen, but also Severina of Croatia gives E Cig a special place in her music video. In Severina’sUno Momento the E Cig comes out as an instrument of sex appeal. The combination of vapes, the high-tech E Cig, and dancing bellies is sure to create a mesmerizing environment for all.

Why Are Celebrities Turning to Vaping?

Celebrities are people like us but treated differently, just like a role model. Actually, they are role models, having a huge fan following.

Celebrities set trends; they are the ones to bring new fashion to the public, and are also key figures in increasing (or decreasing!) profits of industries they endorse.

In a nutshell, celebrities are seen as leaders by their diehard fans. These fans try to mimic what their role model does. If the role model smokes, fans may start smoking thinking of it as a new fashion statement or coolness indicator!

Apart from the public image, celebrities are also very health conscious. Nobody would like to suffer due to illeffects of smoking if there is an alternative, for example vaping, available.

Britney Spears quit smoking because she does not want her children to passive smoke. Robert Pattinson, theTwilight star, started vaping to get away from smoking.

Which Famous Celebrities Vape?

I have mentioned few names earlier, but here is a list of famous celebrities seen or claimed vaping –

Leonardo Dicaprio

  • The Oscar-winning versatile actor practice vapes a lot.
  • Leo who also work towards reducing ill effects of climate change has been spotted vaping at many award functions such as 2016 SAG award ceremony, 2014 Golden Globe awards, and SNL 40th Anniversary partyto name a few.
  • Over the time, Leo’s vaping habit has become a matter of discussion in his fans and others.
  • A simple Google Search will be able to tell you how popular Leo’s vaping habit is around the world.

Charlie Sheen

  • The versatile ‘Hotshots’ actor and one of the ‘Two and a Half Men’, and also now an entrepreneur, endorses vaping.
  • Apart from endorsing comic books, energy drinks, his own line of official merchandises with his famous catchphrases printed on mugs, t-shirts, and ‘Sheemojis’, Charlie advertises E Cigs.
  • In fact, Charlie has his own line of vaping products, tagged as ‘Sheen Safe Smoke’.

Katy Perry


  • The top American pop diva is also a diehard vaper.
  • Katy is a famous American style icon and hence Katy’s vaping habit means something to her fans.
  • Just like Leo, Katy has been spotted vaping at various occasions by paparazzi.
  • Rumors are that during the latest Golden Globe 2016 awards, Katy Perry and Orlando Bloom shared a vape pen.

Britney Spears


  • Britney Spears, the past American singing sensation, is a mother of two.
  • In the past, the public has severely criticized her for smoking in front of her children. To this, Britney has changed her unhealthy smoking habits.
  • Britney is a vaper now. She feels that it’s good for her children as apparently there are no ill effects of passive vaping.
  • Reports say that Britney’s Ex-husband, Kevin Federline, has also given up smoking and turned to vaping.

Bruno Mars

  • The Drum Solo at American Super Bowl pop star is something to look for.
  • Bruno is also a convert to vaping. In 2013, Bruno posted a picture of him holding an E Cig with an E Cig Mod in his hand on Twitter. He wrote ‘Day 1 E-Cig, Gotta do it!!! This is for you mom’.
  • Bruno’s tweet received a lot of positive reaction from the vaper community on Tweeter.
  • There is also a recent news that Bruno has invested in a vaping company. Congratulations! It’s indeed a good decision Bruno!

The list of famous celebrities vaping is never ending, but here are a bunch more you may know –

  • Jack Black — The Nacho Libre actor and an amazing comedian
  • Norman Reedus — Famous for his role in The Walking Dead TV series
  • Dave Grohl — The former drummer of the Nirvana band
  • Big Show — The WWE superstar, often smokes on the sets at WWE events
  • Aiden Turner — ‘The Hobbit’ fame actor, likes to live a tobacco free life
  • Samuel L. Jackson — Famous for his role as Nick Fury in Marvel movies. He likes massive Mods and a lot of vapes.
  • John Cusack — The Golden Globe award winning legendary actor vapes often on and off the set.
  • John-Cusack-vaping
  • Lindsay Lohan — The young American actress and singer likes and enjoys vaping
  • Lady Gaga — The tech-savvy American singer likes E Cig and vapes.
  • Lady-Gaga-vaping
  • Paris Hilton — Paris Hilton is all about fashion; then how can she not switch to vaping which is a modern and fashionable alternative to smoking?
  • Isla FisherThe Now You See Me actress loves E Cigs

Which E Cigs Do Celebrities Use?

We also tried to compile information available from the internet to see which are the brands popular among the celebrities.

As you know, celebrities could be really discrete, especially about the personal products they use, therefore getting to know the brand names was a difficult task. Thanks to our photojournalist friends for taking high-resolution pictures of famous celebrities vaping.

We did some analysis and turned out that there a variety of brands celebrities use. This information is just based on pictures of celebrities vaping, so please do not jump to conclusions. Here goes –

  • Eleaf iStick — Aiden Turner
  • The Blu E Cig — Lindsay Lohan
  • The Njoy Kings — Bruno Mars and Courtney Love
  • E-Go — Katy Perry and John Cusack
  • G-Pen — Snoop Dog

If you are looking for any of these brands, Vaping Zone is the best choice. We have some of these and other high-class brands of E Cigs.

If your role model is vaping then why don’t you? Simply log on to Vaping Zone, select from a wide range of E Cigs, shop, and order.

Don’t worry if you are just a beginner, you can go through Vaping Zone blogs to learn how to become a master of vaping. Learning some vaping now will not harm, for who knows, you may be the next American Idol!

Source- https://www.vapingzone.com/blog/celebrities-vaping/




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