API Gateway | Route53 | ACM with Custom Domain

Vara Bonthu
6 min readApr 11, 2019
Krka Waterfalls & Sibenik Croatia

It’s a step by step guide to creating a custom domain name for your API deployed in API Gateway.

We have two types of custom domains available in AWS

1. Edge optimised Custom domain

2. Regional Custom domain

This article is mainly focused on setting up a Regional Custom Domain Name. Edge optimized Custom domain is no different with a few little changes.

Step 1: Create a public domain for your organization or specific to your project

Firstly, you need a public domain name like (E.g. mycompany.co.uk or mycompany.org or mycompany.com). It can be a project-specific like (E.g. myproject.co.uk)

OK, Let’s move on to buying a new domain from AWS Route53.

Login to AWS console with your credentials.

Click on Services, Select Route53

Click on Registered Domains link on the left-hand side

Click on Register Domain button.

This will take you to a page where you can search for available domains and fill all the required Company and Admin details to buy a new domain.

