COVID-19: Knowing What NOT to Do Can Save Us

Varun Aggarwal
4 min readApr 20, 2020


Steven E. Stemler and Varun Aggarwal

Much of the anxiety surrounding the current coronavirus pandemic arises from the uncertainty of it all. The novelty of COVID-19 makes it particularly frightening. There is still much that we do not know about its transmission and specific mechanisms. This raises anxiety because all of us, individuals and governments, want to know the “right” way to deal with any given situation. Some people believe that means knowing as much as possible and then following the best strategy.

However, our research over the past decade has shown decisively across several different populations, on different continents, and in completely different fields of study that knowing what NOT to do, and then avoiding that, is actually more predictive of successful outcomes than knowing the best way to handle a given situation. We give people a situation, a few options to manage the situation and ask them what is the best way to handle the situation and what is the worst way of handling it. We consistently find that people who are able to identify the worst strategy correctly, are the ones who perform well in jobs, irrespective of whether they are able to identify the best strategy. This means it is important to know what NOT to do in a situation (and avoid it), even if one doesn’t know the best strategy. And the good news is that it is typically easy for experts to recognize and agree on what not to do, even when faced with incomplete information.

These findings can provide us with some solace and a silver lining in the midst of this terrible pandemic. In spite of the fact that many uncertainties remain about the specifics of COVID-19, experience with past viruses that operate in a similar manner provide us with some guidelines about what not to do that can be life-saving. For example, becoming infected as an individual and as a community is an easy first not-to-do! How to not be infected is also rather easy to understand. We know that viruses need a way into your body, so shutting off that entry point by keeping your distance from people who may cough or sneeze on you is one recommendation. Another is to not touch your face as common viral entry points are in the eyes, nose and mouth. In short, the best advice that can be offered when the specific details are still uncertain is advice about what not to do, and based on our research, recognizing and following this advice is what tends to be most predictive of successful outcomes. We do not need to know everything about Covid-19 in order to be successful in reducing its spread. Rather, we need to take seriously the things that most people, especially experts, agree we should not do.

What is interesting about the avoidance recommendations, in any domain, is that they seem so simple and so obvious that we often think everyone recognizes them. Unfortunately, that is not the case. Take the current case of COVID-19. Whole countries and regions led by powerful leaders missed (and some are still missing) the importance of preventing people from getting infected in large numbers. It would have been fine if these leaders disagreed about which strategy represented the “best” approach to take, which can be hard to define in the presence of uncertainty, but they failed to recognize and avoid the path that most people agreed would be disastrous. Some leaders openly mocked the severity of the virus, told people to continue lives as normal, shake hands, go out to social gatherings and some even led by example! If they had just avoided the obvious behaviors associated with transmission, they would have had a much better chance to contain COVID-19 and ensure a successful outcome than they have today.

Similarly, the internet is full of images of people vacationing on beaches, socializing in restaurants, even when the world is shutting down and there are multiple advisories from the government recommending social distancing. Surprisingly, we have found in our research that quite a few people are unable to recognize the things they should avoid, even if these same people are sometimes able to identify the best way to handle the situation. This may explain why some smart leaders and individuals, identified as such because of their great proficiency in finding the best strategy, can also have a blindspot when it comes to knowing what to avoid. Our research suggests that an important and often overlooked aspect of intelligence is the ability to recognize what actions to avoid. Capitalizing on this aspect of intelligence may just be a life-saver, especially as we move into a world of greater uncertainty and never-known-before challenges. It isn’t too late.

Steven E. Stemler, Ph.D. is an Associate Professor of Psychology at Wesleyan University. Varun Aggarwal is co-founder of Aspiring Minds and founder of India Science Fest. Views are personal.


1 Elliott, J.G., Stemler, S.E., Grigorenko, E.L., Sternberg, R.J., & Hoffman, N. (2011). The socially skilled teacher and the development of tacit knowledge. British Educational Research Journal, 37(1), 83–103. PDF

2 Stemler, S.E., Aggarwal, V., & Nithyanand, S. (2016). Knowing what NOT to do is a critical job skill: Evidence from 10 different scoring methods. International Journal of Selection and Assessment, 23(3), 229–245. PDF



Varun Aggarwal

Joker in the room | Wild mix of AI, startups, non-profits, S&T, book writing, infinity and nothingness | MIT Alum | Connect for sharing crazy ideas