Do Not Eat These Foods If You Have Hiatal Hernia

Varanasi Hospital
3 min readOct 16, 2019


A hiatal hernia is a condition in which the upper part of the stomach pushes out through the diaphragm and enters into the chest cavity.
The common symptoms of hiatal hernia include:
• Acid reflux
• Indigestion
• Bloating
• Heartburn
• Difficulty in swallowing food
• Expulsion of food and liquids into the mouth
• Blood vomiting
• Black stools.
Since the severely affected area in hiatal hernia is the stomach, and all the symptoms are stomach-related, so diet plays a strong role. It is important to note that altering your diet is not a full-proof treatment for hiatal hernia because the only way to get rid of a hiatal hernia is to undergo hernia surgery. Still, a proper diet should be followed to not deteriorate the symptoms.
Refrain from consuming these foods if you are experiencing a hiatal hernia:

• Deep-fried foods:

Consuming fried or deep-fried foods can hamper your digestive system as fried foods contain a large amount of oil and are not digested easily by our body. Also, try to cook meals in less amount of oil as much as possible. Instead of frying, you should opt for other healthier cooking mediums like boiling, steaming, roasting, and sauteing.

• Acidic foods:

Acid reflux is encountered by patients suffering from hiatal hernia so it’s best to avoid acidic food. A few examples of acidic foods are- tomatoes, citrus fruits, vinegar, and pickles.

• Fatty foods:

It is no surprise that fatty foods are on this list. Fatty foods should be avoided when you have hiatal hernia as they cause acidity and indigestion further frustrating your system. Avoid animal protein with heavy fat content like red meat, and choose lean meat like chicken and fish instead.

• High fat dairy-products:

Find low-fat dairy products for your daily consumption or avoid dairy altogether to not aggravate your hernia.

• Sugary foods and sweets:

Cut down on sweets and foods that have added sugars in it like caffeinated drinks, packaged juices, condiments, jams and jellies, chocolates, candies, cakes, protein bars, etc.
Thus, if you avoid gobbling on the foods mentioned in this article, you will save yourself from making your health condition worse. Get yourself diagnosed and treated from the best hospital in Varanasi for your hiatal hernia. The sooner, the better.

