What To Expect After Undergoing Pancreatic Surgery

Varanasi Hospital
2 min readDec 20, 2018


Pancreatic surgery is one of those operations where the recovery period is longer. When it comes to full recovery, patients can take up to 2 months. The recovery phase is divided into numerous stages, where each stage has its own set of expectations. Nonetheless, after undergoing Pancreatic Surgery, recovery for patients is based on their personal strength and immune system.

Immediate phase after undergoing Pancreatic Surgery via open surgery

Patients are expected to stay in between three to ten days after undergoing the surgery. During this phase, the patient will be supervised by nurses, attendants and the surgeon. It is the duty of the team to closely monitor the progress and ensure that the recovery phase is going on smoothly.

Experiencing pain is obvious in the post-surgery phase. Medical staffs do offer painkillers to help patients overcome the discomfort. After the patient has been discharged from the hospital, oral medication will help in reducing the pain.

Most of the pancreatic surgeries are done via open process, that is, open surgery is performed. This implies that the patient will have staples and special dressing in the areas where incisions were made. In certain cases, surgical drainage tubes are also attached in the abdomen. The medical team constantly check these surgical drainage tubes and ensure that they are performing the required activities. Once the patient has been discharged, the medical team guide the patient with respect to the use of these tubes.

During the surgery period, the stomach goes through a phase of temporary paralysis, known as “gastric ileus”. In this phase, the patient is unable to eat much. During the hospital stay, the medical team has the responsibility to ensure that the patient remains hydrated. Recovery of the stomach is total dependence on the patient’s ability to recover. Till then it is a trial-and-error method.

Before requesting for a leave from the hospital post Pancreatic Surgery in always ensure the following:

  • There are no unresolved medical/ surgical issues
  • Able to consume food and fluids
  • Able to walk properly by self
  • Able to perform activities such as brushing, cleaning yourself
  • Not suffering from fever

After being satisfied with the above-mentioned areas, the patient can take leave and complete the recovery process at home. In case any problem/ discomfort is found, always visit the concerned hospital immediately.

