Google Sticker on your GitHub profile: mastering GitHub contributions art

Vardan Grigoryan (vardanator)
2 min readJan 15, 2018

Just for fun. Short reading. #GitHubArtChallenge

If you had a full year of empty contributions to your GitHub repositories, that’s a real chance to look lazy (most of us do work at BitBucket, as it provides free private repositories for up to 5 collaborators). GitHub profile is something that shows your “passion to contribute to open source”. You will code for free only if you love to code. At least some top companies would think so while hiring the best possible programmers. They look for the passion. Speaking of top tech companies, Google comes in mind.

So, I’ve decided to fill my gaps of contributions by making a Google sticker on my GitHub profile.

Before Google sticker:

This is how average contributions history/graph looks like

After Google sticker:

This is how your GitHub sticker will look like

Looks creative, doesn’t it? I chose Google just for fun, it’s much shorter than Amazon or Facebook aaaand it’s much more recognizable than AwsmTechAiBasedBlockchainCompanyWhereImTheCEOBitch LLC.

Here’s the bash script I coded (not the best possible solution, I know) to push commits with backdate. And I pushed random junk source files (and many such files) to increase my CodeTrace rating (as they never look and never will be able to look to the code quality, just push a bunch of “hello worlds” and you will have a good rating).

function evil_laugh() {
for i in {1..4}
cp a.cpp ${FNAME}${i}.cpp
git add ${FNAME}${i}.cpp
git commit --amend --no-edit -m "hi codetrace" --date="${DATE} 20:00:00 2017 -0600"
git pull origin master
git push origin master

You should just call evil_laugh passing some date, i.e. “Mar 19”, and it does push 4 times (4 is the minimum number of contributions to make the color deep green).

P. S. Here’s my GitHub profile if you want to see how nice does it look on a profile.

P. P. S. Hack around for other cool stickers, publish them with #githubartchallenge.

