Vardhan Ayurveda offers the Best Sciatica Ayurvedic Treatment in Hyderabad

Vardhan Ayurveda
3 min readOct 27, 2017

Sciatica results in severe painful condition, wherein sciatic nerve of one/both the legs is involved. It occurs mainly due to long hours sitting, it is a disease which disturbs the movement of the legs of a person. It is often associated with lower back pain. The condition of the patient wherein back pain and blistering pain of the legs occur together is called as Sciatica syndrome. In earlier times, in accordance with the Ayurvedic system of medicine, it was called as Gridhrasi. Vardhan Ayurveda provides the best sciatica Ayurvedic treatment in Hyderabad.

Sciatica Treatment in Ayurveda

According to Ayurveda, Gridhrasi/sciatica is described as one among 80 kinds of Vata imbalance disorders (neurological/neuro-muscular disorder).

It is common that a patient suffering with experiences that his gait is altered as his legs become tense, and slightly curved due to the Sciatic pain. As a result of this, the sciatica patients walk similar to a vulture (gridhra). So, the disease was named as Gridhrasi.

Common causes for sciatica disease:
Intake of Vata aggravating food like- kalaya (peanut), masura (red lentil), nishpava (flat bean), adhaki (pigeon pea), chanaka (Bengal gram), uddalaka etc
Excess intake of dry, light and cold food by the patient suffering with Sciatica
Excess intake of pungent, bitter and astringent food by sciatica patient.
Heavy exercise, improper lying or sitting positions leads to Sciatica.
Injury etc.

Symptoms of Sciatica Disease:
The symptoms of Sciatica are pain originating from hip area and blistering to the thigh, back, sacral region, popliteal area, calf muscles and foot.
Pricking sensation in those parts of the body
Altered gait of the patient suffering from Siatica
Rare stiffness or pulsation etc.

Types of Sciatica Disease:

Types of Sciatica Pain

On the basis of Dosha imbalance, Sciatica (gridhrasi) is of two kinds-

1. Vata-kaphaja Gridhrasi

2. Vataja Gridhrasi

Vata-kaphaja sciatica-
Along with the above symptoms, nausea, anorexia, indigestion, drowsiness, heaviness of the leg and freezing sensation in the lower limbs are experienced by the sciatica patient.

Vata Sciatica:
Curved posture (or) altered gait is due to pain i.e. pain during lateral bending, severe stiffness, pulsation in back, hip, thigh, knee and foreleg is experienced by the patient

Line of treatment:
As Sciatica is one among Vata disorders, all Vata pacifying measures should be followed.
Snehana (oleation)- application, sprinking or pouring of oil over the affected area of the patient.
Swedana (sudation)- tub bath, pizichil, sudation with oil added medicinal herbal pastes (patrapinda sweda), application of poultice (upanaha sweda) etc. are very beneficial for the patient suffering with Sciatica.
Mridu samshodhana– mild purgation

(Mridu Virechana) is preferred.
Basti (medicated enema)
Shiravyadha/ Rakta-mokshana (venesection or bloodletting) — It is advised to perform 4 angula (3inch) above or below the knee joint.
Agni karma (cautery)- is carried in the severe painful area or near the little toe of the leg, using a metallic rod.

