What are the Benefits of Panchakarma?

Vardhan Ayurveda
3 min readMar 27, 2018


Panchakarma is referred as five therapeutic measures that detoxify the body completely. Five Ayurvedic therapies of Panchakarma are as follows

What Are the Five Therapies Included in Panchakarma?

It is a procedure in which squander items (vitiated dosas) are killed through the upper channels i.e. through the mouth by the procedure of Vomiting.

What’s in store : Vaman is a treatment that begins with oral admission of cured ghee in rising measurements for a time of 3 to 7 days and incorporates a full body Abhyangam knead. This proceeds for a couple of days and closures with remedial retching.

Advantages of Vaman : Ayurvedic Vaman treatment is valuable in Kapha prevalent disarranges e.g. asthma, hack and Psoriasis.

How it functions : Aggravated Doshas from shakha (body) are channelised into the koshtha (mid-region) which are flushed out from the body through instigated regurgitating.

Not prescribed (contraindicated) if there should be an occurrence of : Young kids and those over 70 years old.

Gastric Problems : Ayurvedic Vaman treatment is shown in regarding Gastric Problems, for example, hyperacidity, acid reflux and blockage.

Skin and Hair Care: Skin issues, for example, Psoriasis that happen because of Kapha dosha can be treated with Ayurvedic Vaman treatment.

Virechana treatment is a sort of Panchakarma treatment. Here, individual is made to experience controlled purgation for a particular measure of time. It is intended to flush out body poisons. A portion of the cutting edge prominent treatments, for example, liver detox and colon detox methodology is the subordinates of Virechanam Ayurveda treatment.

Virechanam begins with oral admission of sedated ghee in rising measurements for a time of 3 to 7 days and incorporates a full body Abhyangam rub. This proceeds for a couple of days and closures with helpful purgation (discharge).

Advantages of Virechanam: It is to a great degree helpful in Pitta issue, for example, dermatitis, ceaseless fever, acid reflux, jaundice, and so forth.

How it functions : Aggravated Doshas from shakha (body) are channelized into the koshtha (midriff) which are flushed out from the body through incited purgation (discharge).

Not prescribed (contraindicated) if there should arise an occurrence of: Patients with ano-rectal trench illnesses and patients over 70 years old.

De-toxification : Virechanam helps in evacuation of poisons through incited purgation (discharge).

Gastric Problems: Virechanam Ayurvedic Therapy is helpful in administration of Gastric Problems, for example, obstruction and acidic reflux.

For Pitta Disorders, VAT is very useful.

Nasyam: It is a medication procedure in which the medicated oil or drug is sent through the nostrils, this type of medication is used for the treatment of body parts above the shoulder.

Benefits: It works as remedy for congestion, sinusitis, and cervical spondylitis.

Benefits of Panchakarma:

Panchakarma is a standout amongst other common Ayurvedic treatments for Detoxification that removes body poisons through various treatments. Human body resembles a machine and the way a machine needs cleaning and oil every now and then to enhance the effectiveness and quality, our body additionally needs purging now and again. With the advanced life being loaded with strains and turmoil, there is restricted degree for unwinding. Additionally absence of physical action, utilization of undesirable nourishments, and propensities, for example, smoking or drinking liquor is in charge of expanding poison levels in the body. This development of poisons is an antecedent to a few constant ailments, for example, diabetes, heart ailments, and much growth. To keep the danger of these sicknesses we have to frequently dispense with poisons from the body which can be effortlessly accomplished through normal Panchakarma treatment.

Contact Vardhan Ayurveda Hospital for Panchakarma Treatment

