Magic VS Marketing

Varduhi Chakhkalian
4 min readJul 6, 2017


Do you remember this wonderful feeling of being in love with someone, when everything around reminds you of this person? I am sure everyone has experienced this kind of an odd feeling at least once in their lives. Have you ever thought why is this happening? Some esoteric enthusiasts would say it is the law of attraction, I would say- marketing.

Imagine you are hanging out with your friends and someone tells you about his or her brand new perfume. You have never heard of this brand before but it seems to be popular, fancy and people really like it. After a while, you began to notice the name of this brand popping up from different unexpected places. Your other friends start talking about it, you see a new advertisement of this brand, and you suddenly discover that you have heard about it before. This is definitely marketing because after some time you will be craving this product and searching places from where you can purchase it and get even more products from this amazing brand that makes people so happy.

How you Become a Loyal and Happy Consumer

This is probably about me, but how is this happening, you may ask. The answer is simple, this is how marketing and brand awareness do their jobs. You have seen this brand and product multiple times before but someone’s good testimonial, review or story triggered you to notice it and look at it with the new eyes. Now you do not only know about this brand but also have a good association with it. Now every time when something from this brand or associated with this brand pops up, you immediately connect it with those good testimonials, reviews, stories, and opinions. Whenever those good stories get their validation, again and again, you slowly become a fan of this product or brand. This is how well-known companies build trust and good reputation.

How Your Product or Service Can Stand Out in The Market Today

Nowadays, we live in the world where you can buy or sell anything. There are advertisements everywhere, every product or service in the market cries ”Buy me!”. There are more than millions of products and dozens of competitors for nearly every product you can imagine. Moreover, there are dozens of ways to advertise your product. We have advertisement everywhere but at the same time, people are using AdBlock and everything possible to block themselves from millions of advertising campaigns. We see advertising everywhere: social media, SMS, email, search, billboards and etc.

What is the solution for it if you want to sell your product or service? It is reputation! If you can build a trustworthy and reliable product that can solve consumer’s problem with the good reputation then it will stand out for a really long time and become one of it’s kind.

Brand Awareness and Loyalty

Have you ever thought what exactly make some brands so popular and well-known? Meantime, other brands are working hard but can’t get the same popularity. You think it must be some great marketing campaign or opportunity, but life shows that it is emotions you are selling with it not the product itself. For example, what are your first thoughts when you consider buying a new smartphone? You try to choose between iPhone and any other Android phone, right? Why? Because Apple products have become something more than a product they are selling emotions, being part of the community and values. This is what make those great brands so popular. If your product can’t tell a story, add value or make the product owner proud of it, it would never be as great as other well-known brands.

This is not only about big brands. For example, if you have a small store that sells soaps you can define what your soaps stand for, this can be healthy, organic soaps or relaxing soaps. This way people will know what emotions your products give and if someone is searching for organic healthy soaps they would definitely become your loyal customers. If you can’t define your product or service and what emotions it gives to your customers, it will be very hard to stand out and find a place on the market.

In conclusion, as you can see, there are no miracles in the marketing, no brand has ever become miraculously great. It is the result of a hard work and values you can add to your product or service. No amount of marketing campaigns would ever help your product or service to stand out if it doesn’t give emotions and doesn’t add any values. Even if your product or service has these values and emotions, you have to find the right way to communicate it to your potential customers and build a reputation. Try to figure out what your product stands for, what emotions it can give and build your marketing campaign around these defining features and magic will happen.

