Go Sync Package

Pooja Varma
4 min readJul 6, 2023


When to use type Cond, Map, Mutex, Once, RWMutex, WaitGroup and Pool from the Go Sync package.

The sync package in Go is used for synchronization and coordination in concurrent programming. It provides tools to handle shared resources and ensure safe access to them.

  1. Mutex: A Mutex, short for mutual exclusion, is a synchronization primitive that allows only one Goroutine to access a particular resource at a time. It provides two methods: Lock() and Unlock(). Goroutines can call Lock() to acquire the lock and access the shared resource, and they must call Unlock() to release the lock and allow other Goroutines to acquire it.
  2. WaitGroup: The WaitGroup is used to wait for a collection of Goroutines to finish their execution. It provides three methods: Add(), Done(), and Wait(). Goroutines call Add() to indicate that they are starting and then call Done() when they finish. The Wait() method blocks until the WaitGroup counter becomes zero, indicating that all Goroutines have been completed.
  3. Cond: The Cond (short for condition) type is a condition variable that allows Goroutines to wait for a specific condition to become true. It provides three methods: Wait(), Signal(), and Broadcast(). Goroutines can call Wait() to wait until the condition is signalled by another Goroutine. The Signal() method wakes up one Goroutine waiting on the condition, while Broadcast() wakes up all waiting Goroutines.
  4. Once: The Once type allows for the execution of a function only once, regardless of how many Goroutines call it. It ensures that a particular initialization or setup code is executed exactly once. The Do() method of Once accepts a function as an argument, and the first Goroutine to call Do() will execute that function, while subsequent calls will have no effect.
  5. RWMutex: An RWMutex (short for reader-writer mutex) allows multiple readers to access a resource simultaneously or only one writer to modify the resource exclusively. It provides methods such as RLock(), RUnlock(), Lock(), and Unlock(). Multiple Goroutines can acquire the read lock using RLock(), but only one Goroutine can acquire the write lock using Lock().
  6. Atomic Operations: The sync/atomic package provides atomic operations that enable low-level synchronization primitives without using locks. Atomic operations are used to perform read-modify-write operations on shared variables. These operations ensure that the variable is updated atomically without interference from other Goroutines. Some commonly used functions in this package include AddInt64(), LoadUint32(), StoreInt32(), etc.

Understanding these key concepts — Mutex, WaitGroup, Cond, Once, RWMutex, and Atomic Operations — in the sync package is crucial for effective and safe concurrent programming in Go.

Here are some real-life scenarios where you would use the sync package types.

Consider a scenario where you have a computationally intensive task that can be divided into smaller independent computations. You can use a sync.WaitGroup to coordinate the execution of these parallel computations. Each goroutine responsible for a specific computation would add itself to the, and the main goroutine would wait for all computations to finish using the Wait method. This ensures that the main goroutine proceeds only when all parallel computations have been completed.

Suppose you have a database connection pool that needs to be initialized before handling any requests (Controlling Resource Initialization). In that case, you can use sync.Once it to ensure that the initialization code is executed only once, even if multiple goroutines request connections simultaneously.

Sometimes, you need to coordinate the execution of goroutines based on specific conditions or events. For example, you may have a producer-consumer scenario where the consumer goroutines should wait until the producer goroutines have produced a certain number of items. In such cases, you can use a sync.Cond to create condition variables. The consumer goroutines would wait on the condition variable, and the producer goroutines would signal or broadcast to notify the waiting consumers when the desired condition is met.

If you have a cache that is accessed by multiple goroutines to retrieve and store data, you can use sync.Map it to prevent data races and ensure consistent and safe access.

Imagine you have a web application that handles multiple concurrent requests. Each request requires access to a Shared database connection. To ensure that only one request uses the connection at a time, you can use a sync.Mutex to protect the connection. Each request would acquire the lock before using the connection and release it afterwards, preventing multiple requests from accessing the connection simultaneously and causing conflicts.

Let’s say you have a file that is being concurrently accessed by multiple goroutines. Some goroutines may be reading from the file, while others may be writing to it. To ensure data integrity and avoid conflicts (Coordinating Access to a File), you can use a sync.RWMutex. Multiple goroutines can read from the file simultaneously, acquiring a read lock, while a single goroutine can acquire a write lock to perform write operations.

sync.Pool works best when objects have a short lifespan, are frequently created and discarded, and have a high cost associated with allocation or initialization. Additionally, the use of sync.Pool requires careful consideration and benchmarking to ensure it provides the expected performance gains.

In summary, thesyncpackage is used in various scenarios where you need to synchronize and coordinate concurrent operations, protect shared resources from conflicts, ensure initialization only occurs once, and facilitate signalling and notification between goroutines. It provides the necessary tools to write safe and efficient concurrent programs in Go.

