8 Websites frequented by newbies learning C!

2 min readMar 8, 2024


For newbies diving into the world of C programming, finding the right resources for learning and practice is crucial. Here are eight websites that are highly recommended for beginners:

  1. Learn-C.org: A free interactive C tutorial for people who want to learn C, fast. It’s beginner-friendly and offers hands-on coding exercises.
  2. C Programming.com: Offers tutorials, tips, and tricks for C programming. It’s a great starting point for beginners to understand the basics and advance their skills.
  3. GeeksforGeeks — C Programming Language: A comprehensive guide to C programming with tutorials, examples, and practice problems. It covers basic to advanced topics.
  4. Tutorialspoint — C Programming: Provides a simple and easy-to-understand guide to C programming. It includes both theoretical and practical aspects, making it suitable for beginners.
  5. Programiz — Learn C Programming: Offers easy to follow C tutorials and examples. It’s designed for beginners to start learning C programming from scratch.
  6. The C Programming Language by Kernighan and Ritchie: While not a website, this book is often available for free or excerpted on various educational sites. It’s a classic resource written by the creators of C.
  7. Stack Overflow: While not exclusively for C, Stack Overflow is an invaluable resource for solving specific programming problems and getting advice from the community.
  8. GitHub: Again, not exclusively for C, but GitHub hosts a multitude of C projects and code examples. Browsing through real-world projects can help beginners understand how C is used professionally.

These websites offer a mix of tutorials, practical exercises, and community advice to help beginners learn C programming effectively.

