5 min readNov 2, 2023


We had enough money to survive a month without work, the days went by very fast, and so did the money.

Photo by Rada Olshevskaya on Unsplash

We left behind stories, friends, family, jobs, houses and other material goods, but the most painful thing was to let go of the idea we had of what our future would be. We were going through difficult times in our country, but we would have to go through much worse times outside of it. No one had prepared us for what was to come.

It was September 2016 when we took that plane (for me it would be the first time). I thought I was a woman, and a very mature one at that, but I would soon learn that I was still just a child and that this was the beginning of an experience that would change my life completely.

We had enough money to survive a month without work, the days went by very fast, and so did the money.

That month was very hard, we saw and experienced things that are best left untold so as not to make them more real.
We were very fortunate to get a job pretty fast. The first job I had in this new country was in a hardware store, all the things had different names than the ones I knew and I didn’t understand anything.

I felt totally out of place, despite speaking the same language, most of the time I didn’t…




Writing Life. Sharing the Path of Transformation. Mind of a Psychologist, Heart of a Writer, Dancing Soul, Reading Spirit.