Varsha Priyadarshini
3 min readJan 31, 2022

The Evolution of Relationship Dynamics in Human-Beings

Bond of love, faith, bitterness, begetting hopes, forged truths, unending desires, whimsical but beautiful — all in one; how could we understand a relationship that’s too cryptic, and at times, to farce?! When we dare to dream only beautiful dreams, the inevitable bubbles of realities take their course, leaving behind pieces of shares of certain highs and lows…much dependent on fate, to gather the pieces dispersed?! Human beings are just too good to forgo emotions that determine the underlying consequences ultimately transforming into one of the chapters of life. We are mere puppets to our longingness, to our lust for a fulfilling life. We let relationships take the charge of steering our life into directions where there is only one choice — to fall, or, to learn from the fall and rise back. History repeats now and then for, we are merely practicing what our predecessors did thousands of years back. The monarchs had the upper hand in justifying their complexities in relationships, for, polygamy and promiscuity were the answer to the sanctity of a sacred institution called ‘marriage’. Even today, society is so bound by similar practices but in a hidden manner; the only difference is that we have legislation to govern our relationships within the parameters of laws, but, who cares? Human nature is regulated by the law of love, the law of passion. And, breaking a law is just another aspect of the same coin. Julius Caesar, Cleopatra, Marc Antony, all were winners in all spheres except relationships. Treachery and deception took their lives. Oh, nobody has been spared from the tentacles of the overpowering effects of relationships. People dying today in war, on the battlefield, in the marketplace, at home, and in school. Why? It’s not a mere accident. It’s the aggression that has overpowered the emotions of love and compassion. People get happiness by torturing other people and killing innocents in the name of jihad. Why? The thin line that divides them is called ‘hatred’. Sharing relations with a stranger is just like the climax of a movie where the ending is either ‘The happy ending’ or the ‘Titanic’ ending(where protagonists fail to unite). The abstract phenomenon, known as ‘relationship’, is an instrumental factor in defining our existence in society. Human beings have always been prone to the ethics of intangible, inexplicable relationships that undergo several stages in life. The only consistency is — ‘cry’, or, ‘smile’. The Live-in-relations, divorces, break-ups, make-ups, and gays, are all the modern saga of relationships stretched too far, beyond perception as it can be only felt — direct from the heart!!!

Disclaimer: This is my first post on this platform.This small piece of article I had written quite a while ago while applying for a freelance writing requirement. The article clicked with them but was never published. All the content is my personal take and observations from our rich history, epics, and the current world where people tend to be so aggressive and intolerant. Well, it is purely original content, and I do not want to hurt the sentiments of anyone who is reading this. Apology If I have done so. Thanks if you liked my content !!!!