CRED Interview Experience — Mobile Intern

Varsha Reddy
3 min readMay 27, 2024



In this article, I would like to share my interview experience for the Mobile Intern role at CRED. This was an off-campus drive, and I will take you through my journey.

Additionally, I share some off-campus tips that aided me in securing interviews with major companies here.

Short Info about me

I graduated in Computer Science and Engineering from NIT Calicut in 2024. Prior to this, I interned at Arcesium (a D.E. Shaw Group ) and Sandvine Technologies.

Application Process

The journey began with the application process. As soon as the application opened, I applied for the Mobile Intern (6 months) role through a referral in August. Due to the referral, I did not apply through the career portal. Instead, HR contacted me directly. The entire interview process consisted of three rounds.

Round — 1 ( Assignment )

On September 20, 2023, I received an email from one of the HR representatives at CRED. They provided me with an assignment to be completed within 4 days. The task involved

  • Implement a two page category selection app where you will navigate from home page (page 1) to categories page (page 2) and select one of the categories and display it on the home page.
  • This was a simplified two-page version of the CRED app with the specified functionality.

Interestingly, I was on a trip when I received this assignment. Despite the circumstances, I managed to complete it during my trip, although I felt that an extension for the assignment would have been helpful.

I submitted the assignment before the deadline. Because of the high volume of applications, each assignment was thoroughly reviewed, which resulted in a delayed response from CRED.

Round — 2 ( Technical Interview — 1 )

After two months, I received good news from CRED, and I scheduled my first technical interview for November 28, 2024. This round focused completely on problem-solving and data structures, with a duration of one hour.

The interviewer gave me a parenthesis question similar to this.

In this round, the interviewer has mainly focused on the working solution and the time and space complexities.

Subsequently, I was given a challenging array question to code, followed by a puzzle that required some time to solve.

Additionally, the interviewer posed scenario-based questions, asking which data structures (such as graphs, stacks, and queues) would be most appropriate, along with their respective time complexities.

Overall, I felt the difficulty of this round was medium, and I left the interview feeling very positive about my performance.

Round — 3 ( Technical Interview — 2 )

As I expected, the response was positive, and I scheduled my second interview for December 4, 2023. The interviewer informed me beforehand that this round would focus on Flutter. The duration of this round was one hour.

Having completed a college project on Flutter, I began revising the basics and reviewing my previous projects. Upon entering the interview, I understood that I would need to implement Flutter code for some scenarios. The initial 15 minutes of the interview went smoothly, with basic questions and simple scenarios.

In the later part of the interview, the interviewer focused on the flow of Flutter and asked in-depth questions about the behavior of widgets. I struggled to recall some of the syntax, which made me a bit tense. However, the interviewer was very friendly and assisted me with the syntax.

For those preparing for CRED interviews, especially tech-based ones, it is crucial to be well-versed in the syntax and possess an in-depth understanding of the technology being discussed.

Overall, I felt the interview went on a below average note. I would rate the difficulty level of this interview as hard.


A week later, I received an email from HR, and unfortunately, the verdict was negative. This was my first off-campus interview, and though the result was disappointing, I was still confident that I would receive additional interview opportunities from other reputable companies.

Please feel free to share any important concepts in the comments section. If you have any specific queries, do not hesitate to contact me on LinkedIn.

All the best! :)

