Tips On How To Regain The Lost Volume Of Your Hair

Varshinihair impex
3 min readOct 18, 2018

Hair is one of the things that women are obsessed with. Having bouncy and long hair reflects a confident and bold version of your personality. But maintaining your hair locks is a task in itself. There are numerous issues with hair from thinning to frizziness. If you are too frustrated with such hair problems, then we've ideal solutions to your every problem.

Here’re some simple tips which can help you in adding that extra volume to your hair bundles:

  1. Be smart, use raw Indian hair extensions: Hair fall is a thing that you may try to hide from the world but everyone can see it on your scalp. Thinning of hair can be a public embarrassment for most women out there. But, don’t worry! You are not alone in this battle! There’re many women who are a prey to hair thinning. Your hair may take time to regain the same hair quality and mass again. In such situations, clip-in-hair extensions are your last resort. Plug them into your natural locks, and get the volume that you've been missing out since a while. Try out any hairstyle that suits your hair locks.
  2. Push your hair to opposite side: Usually, your hair volume may vary from one corner of skull to another. Here’s a secret tip for you. You can lift your hair in an appealing way by simply pushing your hair locks to another side of their natural variation. You’ve no idea but this trick is a blessing in disguise. Add an adequate volume on your head and walk like a Bollywood diva. Keep in mind that you don’t go clumsy while adopting this trick. Try this tip after having a good wash on your moist hair.
  3. Never underestimate the power of ‘back combing’: Back combing is one of the finest hacks to add the much required volume to your hair. Make it a practice to back comb your hair on a regular basis for a few minutes. For enhancing hair volume, back comb your hair merely at the roots. You can also opt for hair sprays and leave them on your hair for sometime. This will make your hair locks smooth and glittering just as shown in TV commercials.
  4. Another one, ‘Upside-Down’: This trick never goes out of fashion. You can apply this trick in the process of making your wet hair dry. It is best recommended after you had a good hair wash. The reason behind is that the wet hair are in their elevated area of surface and it is easy for skull to move them forward by the virtue of gravity. Try out this simple hack and have an instant bounce in your hair. If this doesn't work, try out the finest quality raw Indian hair bundles.
  5. Go for trimming at regular intervals: Here, it does not mean that you should go for trimming in traditional style. If you are planning to get a hair trim soon, then keep this simple tip in mind. Ask your hair specialist to trim your hair in such a way that it maintains a level of consistency in all the areas of your hair. There’s no satisfactory feeling that seeing your hair grow longer and thicker by every passing day. Settle for raw Indian hair bundles and have the desired hair look.

Take good care of your hair and be a hero of your own life. Go bold, go confident, the stage is all yours.

Don’t look any more! Grab the top-notch quality of raw Indian hair online. Feel free to get in touch with us for any queries related to hair extensions or hair products or any suggestions. We’re all ears to you.

More Info: Varshinihairimpex



Varshinihair impex

We are a leading Indian Virgin Remy temple hair & specialize in 100% Wholesale Raw Indian hair bundles company.