The Advantages of High Density Polyethylene Pipes

Varuna Neeravari
3 min readOct 25, 2018


High-density polyethylene pipes are known for their high tensile strength, durability, flexibility and lightweight. Owing to the seamless nature of HDPE pipe system, HDPE offers a zero leak rate when they are fused together. What makes HDPE pipes even more favourable is the fact that they are environmentally friendly and mark sustainable footprint on earth. They are non-toxic, chemical and corrosion resistant, and have a long lifespan.

HDPE pipes are suitable for trenchless installation methods. Let’s take a closer look at their properties and advantages.

HDPE Properties

Resistant to chemicals: HDPE pipes are resistant against gamma-based and acidic environments as well as many solvents and chemicals.

Low weight: HDPE has low weight than other kinds of materials.

HDPE has High strength and flexibility.

Impact resistant: HDPE is resistant to impact. High resistance feature of HDPE makes it favourable choice for large industrial projects.

HDPE pipes are abrasion resistant

HDPE pipes are resistant to attack of microorganisms and rodents. Due to lack of nutritional value and stiffness of HDPE and fittings, rodents cannot hurt them.

HDPE doesn’t need cathodic protection. Due to resistance to corrosion and rust, cathodic protection isn’t required.

HDPE has a long service life span of 50–100 years.

HDPE is resistant to organic solvents, ultraviolet rays, cold and extreme heat etc.

Advantages of HDPE Pipes

Easy Handling– HDPE pipes are easy to handle and install as compared to other alternatives, offering significant cost advantages and ROI. HDPE is about one-eighth the density of steel that’s why it does not require heavy lifting equipment at the time of installation. Thanks to the brilliant flexibility of HDPE. HDPE pipes can be bent without the call for additional fittings. That’s why HDPE pipes can be seen installed easily over uneven terrain in continuous lengths.

Reduced installation costs–High-density polyethylene pipe systems can be welded into seamless leak-free pipe runs and require fewer fittings. This allows for huge savings in labour and installation.

Heat-fused joints- HDPE pipes are heat fused together to form a joint which is stronger than the pipe itself. Electro fusion is the reliable welding technique that is used to weld HDPE. It also offers significant installation advantages when compared to traditional pipe materials.

Corrosion and Chemical Resistance– HDPE pipe doesn’t rust, corrode, or support biological growth. HDPE has brilliant chemical resistance when compared to traditional pipe materials. HDPE offers brilliant corrosion resistance to corrosive, acids, bases and salts. HDPE pipes are also unaffected by fungi and bacteria, enabling resistance to organic substances.

The Bottom Line

HDPE is an excellent choice for diverse applications like directional boring, river crossings, plowing, pipe bursting and slip lining. HDPE performs remarkably in mining, dredging and similar applications, surpassing other costly piping materia HDPE Pipes Manufacturersls.

Now that you are well aware with the properties of high quality HDPE pipes and advantages, you will be clearly able to identify top quality HDPE pipes. If you are considering buying high quality HDPE pipes, then you must look for premium HDPE Pipes Manufacturers in Andhra Pradesh. They are recognised as esteemed HDPE Pipes Manufacturers in India.



Varuna Neeravari

VARUNA NEERAVARI PIPES PVT.LTD, is a group of NARMADA PIPE INDUSTRIES, which is counted amidst the most trusted ISI brands in India.