Building a Cybersecurity Purple Team Home Lab — Part One

Varun Belani
Published in
5 min readApr 20, 2024


A cybersecurity lab
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This article was significantly updated on 6/23/2024.


  • Updated the network map
  • Updated network switching instructions
  • Corrected and updated my /etc/network/interfaces configuration for Proxmox

Why build a Home Lab?

As a cybersecurity or IT professional, it is paramount that we keep our skills up to date. Regarding training, there's many resources out there, but in my opinion the best way to train yourself is to build something from the ground up. What you build doesn’t have to be an advanced XDR it can be something simpler like what I’m working on. Technology at the fundamental level hasn’t really changed. The new security solutions that come out everyday work the same fundamentally. Building simpler projects that are based on more complex production ready products is a great way to learn how a security/IT solution works, this process of learning is applicable to most new products that come out.

Building my purple teaming lab is what I decided to do during my layoff. Instead of sitting around waiting for something to happen and allowing my skills to grow dull, I decided to take initiative to grow as a person and a professional. This home lab has helped me to persevere and…

