From Blog to Podcast: Unleashing the Power of OpenAI’s Text-To-Speech

Varun G
2 min readNov 18, 2023


Hey, fellow podcast enthusiasts! Today, I’m excited to share with you a game-changing experience I had while traveling on a bus. I stumbled upon a brilliant idea — turning a blog post into a podcast episode using OpenAI’s innovative Text-To-Speech (TTS) technology.

The Aha Moment on the Bus

Imagine this — I’m on a bus, using YouTube to listen to a video as if it were a podcast. That’s when it hit me — why not leverage OpenAI’s new Text-To-Speech AI to transform a blog post into a podcast? This could be a game-changer for content creators.

Choosing the Content

I decided to experiment with one of OpenAI’s insightful blog posts, using it as a template for my podcast episode. The process was surprisingly smooth, and I quickly created an outline for the podcast using Chat-GPT. I have added the link to the blog post at the end

From Text to Audio in 30 Minutes

The real magic happened when I utilised OpenAI’s “Alloy” voice to convert the blog post into a captivating 5-minute podcast episode. To my surprise, the entire process took just 30 minutes — from crafting the text to generating the audio file.

Uploading to Spotify and Apple Podcasts

Eager to share my creation with the world, I uploaded the podcast episode to Spotify for Podcasters. The process was seamless, and soon enough, it was available for streaming. Not stopping there, I also shared it on Apple Podcasts using the RSS feed, making it accessible to a broader audience.

Linking the Podcast to the Blog

To bridge the gap between the written and spoken word, I included the podcast episode link at the end of the original blog post. This not only enhances the blog’s engagement but also provides an alternative way for the audience to consume the content.


In just a few simple steps, I turned a blog post into a dynamic podcast episode, thanks to OpenAI’s Text-To-Speech technology. The possibilities are endless, and this experience has opened new doors for creative content delivery. Whether you’re a blogger, podcaster, or both, exploring innovative ways to share your content can be a game-changer in today’s digital landscape.

And here’s the cherry on top: the entire process cost me a mere $0.2. Yes, you read that right! OpenAI’s powerful Text-To-Speech AI is not just a time-saver but also an incredibly cost-effective solution for turning your written content into engaging audio. So, not only did I save time and effort, but I also didn’t break the bank in the process.

Podcast URLs:

