Charcoal Face Mask for Men — Usage and Their Benefits

Varun Malhotra
3 min readDec 11, 2019


Charcoal isn’t just handy for cooking but also holds the potential of doing wonders for your skin. Well, this doesn’t mean that you run up to a store and grab a bag of regular charcoal that you usually use at your barbeques. The type we are referring to here is activated charcoal, which has been in use for long in the medical world. It is a non-toxic substance reputed for treating a variety of conditions ranging from alcohol poisoning to drug overdose and more.

Activated charcoal these days is quite popular in the beauty industry, as there are charcoal teeth whitening products and skin care products. In this article, we intend to discuss one such skin care product — charcoal face mask, which is quite popular with men right now. Activated charcoal present in this face mask is extremely absorbent, so it sucks up all the toxins and impurities on the skin.

How to use charcoal face mask?

For desired results, men must ensure that they only pick a charcoal face mask that belongs to some reputed and well-established brand. They can use it once or twice after cleansing their face and patting it dry. They should apply charcoal face mask thoroughly, especially on the oiliest part of the face (T-zone). No need to cover dry cheeks and the bearded area with this face mask. Let the mask dry up for about 15–20 minutes, and then rinse the face with warm water. Men should move their fingers in gentle circular motions on their face until the entire mask residue is removed. To seal in moisture and prevent skin dehydration, a good skin moisturizer must be applied soon after removing this face mask.

Benefits of charcoal face mask

Activated charcoal has a plethora of beauty and health benefits to offer, which is why it has been there in use for decades. With that being an integral ingredient of the charcoal face mask, these masks are known to impart visible skin benefits. Let’s have a look at the benefits you can enjoy with the application of a charcoal face mask every now and then.

  • Skin Brightening: Impurities and dust settled on our skin tend to make it dull and unappealing. Additionally, pollution, exposure to harmful UV rays and other environmental factors and certain lifestyle and sleep patterns contribute to toxin build up under our skin. Charcoal face mask is one of the most touted skin detoxifying agents that you can get in the market. With incredible absorptive powers, it takes away all the toxins and impurities, leaving the skin radiant and bright.
  • Exfoliation: Exfoliating skin is of paramount importance, as it is a way of removing dead skin cells. Charcoal face mask with its coarse texture, combines with the peel-off action, helps exfoliate the skin effectively.
  • Shrinks big skin pores: If big skin pores are a skin problem you have, then you must try using a charcoal face mask regularly to shrink them considerably.
  • Absorbs excess oil: Charcoal face mask is particularly beneficial for those who have excessive oil production on their face, as it helps balance oil secretion on skin by removing excess oil.

