Varun Raghunathan
2 min readJul 11, 2017


Day 20 — Meme

I have seen memes grow over the years from the time of derp and derpina.

Remember the cereal guy?

These poorly drawn comics were the rage. They were funny and they sure served as a stress buster. Hats off to who so ever invented Memes!

I have seen the way how memes have progressed and I’m pretty sure you have too.

After a long day at college I come home, take a sip out of a hot cup of tea decide to log into Facebook and relax myself by scrolling through memes. (I was on and off Facebook for about a year)


The quality of content has gone down. There’s a myriad of funny content out there, at the same time there is a lot of poor content too. Pick any topic I’m pretty sure there’s a meme about it and chances are it is more lame than good.

Even if it is unfunny it’s tolerable but many resort to hate speech and spread misinformation through memes. Like relax guys they were made to make people laugh.

With templates being available everywhere combined with ease of making memes every tom, dick and harry seems to be making memes.

Its about time we turn the clock back to the good and simple times of Derp and Derpina.

