Take Joy

Awaken your inner child

Varun Vaswani
3 min readNov 22, 2018
photo by Robert Collins on Unsplash

There’s a tragedy that happens in all our lives. A tragedy that no one acknowledges or gives any credence to. A tragedy that is hidden in plain sight, but a tragedy nonetheless.

This tragedy is that as grow older, we simply forget how to have fun. The older we get, the less joyful our lives become. As adults, we get so burdened with our responsibilities that we don’t know the feeling of fun anymore.

Look at any child or group of children. Observe how full of joy they can be. The smallest of things can get them excited. They are always looking for new ways to play and have fun. Every object is a potential toy for them. Groups of children even get together and invent games of their own.

Tell me honestly, when was the last time you felt that way? I mean, when did you get so engrossed in some playful activity that you lost track of time? Do you even remember the last time you truly had fun?

Even though we’ve grown older and forgotten what this feels like, I believe a child still lives inside of us. It never completely dies, it just becomes dormant. We can still awaken our inner child.

Every child is born an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist when they grow up.” Pablo Picasso.

It’s time we take our inner artist-child on a play date. It’s time we remember how to have fun again.

Here’s what you do:

First, block some time on your busy calendar. During this time, switch off your phone. Don’t check your emails or messages or social media. Don’t read the latest news or check your finances. Completely disconnect from the world.

Do anything that interests you. Take a walk on the beach; go for a swim; photograph a sunset; paint a mountain scenery; cook an exotic recipe; write in your journal; play some old board game; sing along to your favorite music, even if it’s corny music that no one else respects; dance barefoot to drum beats; make a collage of old photos; go to a temple or church and chant hymns; take a boat trip on the open seas; go on a long drive with no destination.

Do whatever your heart tells you to do. There are no rules. Just let yourself have fun.

Follow your bliss, and the universe will open doors where there were only walls.” Joseph Campbell.

The more you take time out to have fun, the more that sleeping child will awaken inside you. The more your imagination will be nurtured. The more joy will spontaneously come into your life.

You think you’re too busy for this?

If you want to stay creative and productive, you can’t afford not to do this. The heart of all creativity is imagination at play. Without that feeling of play, without that child-like enthusiasm, you will become increasingly jaded as the years roll by. That staleness will affect your work, it will corrode your productivity, and it will seep into your relationships.

On the other hand, awakening the inner child will have wonderful side-affects on your work, your relationships, and on every part of your life. You will start to feel more alive again. Expect new ideas for all kinds of projects to come to you.

It’s great if we’re able to achieve success in our careers, and have good family lives. It’s commendable if we’ve acquired wealth and luxury in our lives.

But what about simple joy? What about having fun? Let’s not forget about that.

The gloom of the world is but a shadow. Behind it, yet within our reach, is joy. Take joy.” Fra Giovanni.

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