Lear Dart, Tutorials to build real world applications.

Rahul Vashishth
learn dart
Published in
2 min readMar 26, 2019

In this series of tutorials, I will try to explain how to write dart code for a real-life project. I will focus on the basic building blocks of the application. Instead of re-writing everything again I will refer share the links of other useful tutorials as the supporting material.

Dart is mainly used for Flutter(Mobile Apps) and Angular-Dart(Web). I have seen enough content on flutter on the web but almost no blogs about dart. To me, it is near impossible to build a great app without having a good understanding of core language.

This series is based on Dart 2.2 specification

Dart For Java Developers

I have been a java developer for long, in this series I will co-related dart with Java. If you are a java developer this will help you quickly understand the basic of dart development.

Please go through the official dart documentation to understand the building blocks of dart languages.

Following is the planned list, put in your comments if you are looking for a particular topic. I will publish each on regular intervals.


  • How dependency management works in dart
  • A Java Spring-Boot style dart example package
  • How to reuse a standalone library on your local machine
  • How to publish your library on pub-site
  • How to import libraries
  • Dart crash course — understand dart core concepts in a jiffy
  • Write clean code, how to use linter
  • How to document dart code more efficiently



Rahul Vashishth
learn dart

Tech Enthusiast, Cloud, Kubernetes, Java, DevOps. Environmentalist.