Seven Mountains Of Life ~ Part 3

Vasikaran Ravi
11 min readNov 2, 2023


who won ? the jungle or the cannibal Idumban ?

Image of Vellingiri hills on the way to top

If you really think that the heavy dense jungle ever got free from the curse of Ravanan ? You’ll be able to know in the following lines of words that I’m about to write ! but before going on with what happened in the 5th hill and the sequel story that kept me anticipated through out next hill , it’s important to know the other parts of the story , if any of these doesn’t made sense to you please read the previous 2 parts ,so I have linked them below

Seven Mountains of life part -1

Seven Mountains of life part -2

Okay now , after the chilling story I’ve heard from this girl , I’ve kept on thinking about the “Idumban monster” , and keep on looking at the forest , in literal fear .

Fifth Hill ~ The Bheems Rock

The fifth hill Terrain was actually so easy to climb, it just looked more like a small park covered by Australian grass , the path screamed “easy” and there are some holes that were dug here and there , and my father told me that they are natural “viboothi” pits (holy ash a white powdered substance) which the pilgrims collect from the mountain itself ! they mostly smear it in their forehead to denote their devotion towards lord shiva

while on go ! I was asking about all of her interest and stuff , she said she loves to pray to god and bit into devotion and I've also inquired about her school and what she likes etc…, the conversation we had were up to our young age ! just this and that, though she promised me to tell the rest of the story while reaching the end of 5th hill milestone but I couldn't resist asking her about what happened to the Idumban monster ? so anyways I kept on nagging her about the rest of the story

she started by saying “you know mahabharata?” , I replied “same as Ramayana I could only make outlines of what happened” , she smirked at me and continued the story , if you know this epic called Mahabharata there is the protagonist group consisted of 5 brothers whom where called as panja pandavas ( panja meant ~ five ) with their mother kunthi who escaped from the camphor palace that was gifted by the opposition in hopes of getting them killed by burning the whole palace with them , by some ways all of them will manage to escape from the burning palace

after this cruel attempt to get them killed , they’ll all unanimously decide to fake their death so that they could live a new life without getting in the envious eyes of the kauravas(the antagonist group ), they decided to lead a peaceful life without any title to their names which will not attract any problems into their life

the Pandavas were searching many places to hide and live a better life , so they were always on the run ,in search of a new secret home ! in one instance , they were supposed to cross a hill , guess which hill is it ? you guessed it right “The Seven hills of Vellingiri” !

They all looked at the thick dense jungle , which looked like a heaven on earth , with some suspecting that the Pandavas were still living out there , and the soldiers are in search of any new advancement in their searching mission in the vast empire , they had no go way to go back to a nominal village or plateau

The only thing that looked safe and secure is the high standing , heavily covered forest of “sita vanam” , less did they know what is waiting for them in forest !

After Ramayana, the epic Mahabarata was believed to take place after several thousand years , as it was said , the forest was in trap of Ravanan curse for several thousand decades , and the Idumban monster build a huge clan and lived off by feasting on humans

Idumban monster can take up to any animal form , he had super powers ,whom ever entered the forest became a happy feast to him and their clans

Pandavas had no idea that this forest has these type of a horror back story , just to escape from the spies and crazy soldiers they entered the lion’s den itself

All of them adored the beauty of Sita vanam and wandered and have set camp in the some where near the river that flows in the forest

Idumban already sensed the people entering the jungle , and thought to himself that he’s about to get a heavy meal for himself and his Ratchasa clan

As Idumban had magical powers to his name , he used his teleporter vision to Check on his new door delivery foods lol !

His vision has shown him 5 grown adults and a woman of her mid age who seemed to be a mother ! So he wanted them in his place in no time , yet decided to leave them for a single day by knowing the fact that they weren’t leaving the forest anytime soon , by the supervision Idumban wanted “Bheema” first to feast as he was huge and bigger than anyone in the group ! he was imagining the idea of breaking open his skull and feasting on his whole head from brain to the tip !

the Monster Idumban had a younger sister named “Idumbi” , who is heavily loyal to his brother ! And kills on his commands without even batting an eye !

Idumban called his sister Idumbi and ordered idumbi to kill Bheema first and bring him as a feast to him , the first thing in the morning ! the next day arises and Idumbi with her powers go near the river where the pandavas have camped and looks for Bheema

She could find all the others from far but couldn’t able to find Bheema which Idumban wanted , she was hoping to get him, so she was hiding behind a tree just mindlessly waiting and looking at the beauty of sita vanam and it’s small river that flows internally

she was thinking to herself what did she achieve in life just by following her brothers orders , mindlessly killing humans and feasting on them , she was questioning and searching to fill a huge vacuum called satisfaction and joy , she smiled to herself thinking what her life has turned out , yet she was determined to stay loyal to his jungle king Idumban

Suddenly she started noticing the water waves started rippling in the river , as the waves created dances on the green lichens in the river side rock surface , there she witnesses Bheema emerging from the river below !

his hair drenched in the jungle water , he’s fully wet and his long hair wavered out and the pure river water which serviced Bheema’s hair created a rain like lashings all around the area ! he was majestic , his thick skin, veiny huge arms , broad chest , and shoulders looked like mountains the liquid drops slipping away from his chest and shoulders were a poem by itself

he places his grounding feet on the rocks nearby , walking calmly out of the river with water dripping from his head to lips to the below , made every inch of his body a glowing golden flame in water

Bheema’s eyes was calm like a early morning sun , shuttle and warm yet his vision is strong and ambitious , his body was really a work of art and his presence was a tree shadow on a heat storm

For the first time in Idumbi’s life , she enjoyed watching a scene other than same sita vanam and that was one of the pandavas and also the one who was wanted by Idumban itself

she fell in love in the first sights of bheema ,she fell so badly that even falling from the 7th hill wouldn’t be ounces deep compared to her love for bheema, her flesh loving mouth ,the raw nostrils which got used to smell cold blood wanted to nourish in his warmth and drench her soul with his natural scent

she wanted to be held in his huge arms as a hatchling which incubates by the birds wings , covering it all over passing warmth ! her eyes were set stable on bheema that she was just starring with no judgement , the world stopped for her , the light travelled slow, even if someone passes a pointy knife to her heart , she wouldn’t mind at the moment , everything felt endless , the river of joy and happiness sprouted in the heart of a Ratchasa (monster) , the flowers bloomed , her heart smiled , happy tears of joy ran down her face,

like a spark idumban’s order came to her mind , she have never disobeyed Idumban’s orders before , she couldn’t imagine taking her love Bheema to Idumban and get him killed , or take bheema’s body to Idumban’s place dead or alive !

she thought for one second she knew he’s the one that could fulfil her long longing for love and joy ,she decided to step down from the idea of killing bheema even though it costed her life , Idumban is a monster that would even kill is own sibling for a mistake , but she decided that it’s okay to lose her life , even some minutes with bheema’s presence was enough for her ,she found it worthy reason to die for and that was just Bheema

Idumbi walks slowly towards bheema , Bheema also notices a gorgeous women walking towards her, the Ratchasas were gorgeous too no stereotype in our house ,he learns that she is from a ratchasas (monster ) clan ! Idumbi narrates the whole situation to Bheema and expresses her love for him ! she told Bheema to accept her love proposal and let her marry him and be the mother to his children , how cute right ! her heart has sprouted from the seed of love , Bheema also learns about the curse of the forest !

Idumbi tells Bheema that her brother has super powers he would have already known that she went out of her way , he’ll definitely come sooner to check on her ! looking at genuine eyes of idumbi bheema decides to go straight to the Idumban den as he wished and find a way out of this forest

he told everything to the other pandavas and kunthi about the whole forest and it’s curse , they all decide to side with helping Idumbi to not get killed by his brother for her change in emotions and disloyalty to his orders, they all started taking the route to Idumban’s established cave which was marked in blood and skulls all over the path by Idumbi leading all the 6 of them to the cave

They arrive at the cave , Everybody stands in front of Idumban, but idumban had a huge eye on bheema ! and all of his clans were looking at others in hopes of feeding on them , Idumban was already heated because he sensed that idumbi fell in love with a human , and it was pretty clear in his vision !

while idumban approached near Bheema Idumbi crossed paths with Idumban from killing bheema ! she was begging to leave them alone and insisted to take her life instead , Idumban as the monster he lifted idumbi by her neck and threw her away by the side

Bheema watches and asks why would you harm a woman to express your strength ? did the king of this jungle lost his fighting ability ? the words triggered idumban even more and caused waves in his clan , bheema proposed a one on one fight with the monster himself which idumban also agreed to , as they start fighting with their weapons it’s said that all the roots of the trees were shock causing a mild earth quake in the jungle

Idumban took multiple avatars of wild animals and attacked with animosity and rage , the blood shed was heavy but heavier for bheema ! though his brothers wanted to help him ,Bheema refused and wanted to fight him all alone , he understood that he can’t defeat Idumban in any animal form so he has to somehow stay alive until he comes back to his human form

Everybody was worried for bheema’s life , his last animal form heavily affected Bheema , he fell on to the land with his huge body while looking above the ceiling of the cave , he gasped for air , as he looks at the blur stature of idumban coming near him , he transforms back to his human form as he smelled a defeat in bheema’s actions , this is the now or never opportunity bheema only had as idumban is back to his human like form

he suddenly tackles idumban by his legs, leave a big punch to his knees which makes idumban lose balance and fall to the ground , in no time bheema grabs idumban’s both legs and streches both of it and rips him apart into two pieces by breaking him open from below stomach to head and throws his parts on both side of the cave !

as Bheema killed the monster , the sita vanam came back to it’s glory and the poisonous bugs went away in a flash, the rest of the ratchasas take bheema as a his new king , the forest got free from the curse , then bheema marries Idumbi with some conditions and they raise a child called “Ghatodgajan” , who will soon help in the big war of Mahabharata , its a long story in itself

After hearing this story from my girl companion , I was relieved to know that the forest got away from the curse , as we reach the end of the 5th hills milestone , she pointed me at a huge round shaped rock and I asked her what was this rock for and why she pointing at it , she whispered that it is called as “Bheeman Kali Urundai” which translates as Bheema's Food gathering , it is believed that when bheema spilled his food it came down from the hill and formed as a huge round shaped rock

we reached the fifth hills milestone , and we only had two left the 6th and the final 7th hill ! but I never thought that I would experience something that scary and life changing while on the way ! no one wouldn’t believe me still even when I say it to the people precisely what happened , I could still feel the way I felt in that one particular place on the path , like my life flashed in front of my eyes ,cause that was that nerve cracking , before I elaborate about what happened next , keep anticipating for hopefully the last part of this series , support me and the fellow talented writers in medium , support me with clap and follow , share this blog series with your friends ,comment down your thoughts so that we can hopefully have meaningful conversations ,remember your story matters too ! it’s a bye for now ! until next time , cheers !



Vasikaran Ravi

23 and sane writes on life ! my pen never ran out of ink