Your Just a Dumb Beach!

Vasikaran Ravi
5 min readFeb 6, 2024


Annual leaves of my elementary school is iconic asf, I Mean everybody’s is! if you ever tell me you don’t miss those days , go get up and hit that unfollow , sigh ! everybody loves those summer break ,isn’t it ? that will be a long leave where my only destination and go to place is my aatha veedu ( grandma’s home ) me and my sister would go there spend the most of our holidays there enjoying collecting guava , going to the park by evening and playing with our area friends , doing cycling race, cricket , treasure hunt , monopoly, carrom ,kabaddi ,renting cycle for 2 rupees , video games with chip , joystick , will resort and invade my friend vishal house for that one to two hours of GTA vice city , whatever thing from fighting with aunties to rowdies to mission to find missing Roshini back home you can name any thing we have that in the vault

so much fun and memories over that part of life , like everybody has their own version of a happy fun childhood with your area friends right , hope you can relate to it ! even now after so many years their name and face is stamped on my mind , I have zero contact with them , I don’t know where they are now , what are they even doing but trust me when I say they are the best even is there a word called “bestest” ? lol , anyways , even if that does not exist that’s the word I’ll proudly mention them

the more fun part is that they would also only come there at the summer holidays to visit their grandmas home in annual leave or quarterly or half-yearly leaves just like me ! we are seasonal baby ! so when ever there is a small sight of holidays , we all will rush to our grandmas home and meet up there

so when we were having a discussion as Vishal is from Chennai , he talks about beaches a lot , as a child I never went outside of Coimbatore , I was so much fascinated by the idea of ocean , my school friends after coming from holidays our school teachers would ask which place we went when we were in our holidays , everybody must stand and answer that , my answer will definitely be my “grandmas home”

Sometimes I wish I was born by beach side , so that I could play with waves and sand , idk what was I even thinking back then, then one day my family went to a marriage in “Nagercoil” of course I also accompanied them in the journey , it lasted 3 days so we stayed there 3 days before getting back on the bus , I really wanted to visit a beach , I was begging my parents to take me to one , so on the second day we went to a beach called Muttom beach


The cherry on cake was it had a light house near ,and a beautiful church to its left side , when we came near to the destination I could see the ocean from a distance my heart was throbbing and Jumping like a puppy with some treats , I still can reflect back at it and think of that scene more precisely in my mind , it has my whole heart , we went there by afternoon , as you can guess it’s heavily hot over there , but my excitement was more I ran through those heavy heated sand and jumping , my sister is excited too but she stayed classy while I run around there like a crackhead

I can mention each and every thing about that beach from rocks to waves etc…, and only afterwards I learnt that it was a famous shooting spot for Tamil super hit vintage movies like Alaigal oyivathuillai , Kadal Ora Kavithaigal and more , it was an amazing experience

As it’s my first ever beach , I wouldn’t stop talking about it to my friends after returning they’ll all be like “can you just stop your chatter box for a second about the beach

still it is the best beach I visited in my life , but now a days I visit beaches often , I went to Kochi , Chennai even we went to Goa but is that Beach interesting anymore to me ? that’s questionable ? now it’s most probably like

“ it’s just a beach”

is it for me or for everybody , the excitement is gone and more dumped down ? even for festivals don’t you remember getting heavily excited about Diwali , we used to discuss what type of dress we are going to wear in Diwali and we wore the same dress to school also on the Colour dress day !

now it’s just simplified into a festival “it’s just Diwali”

so guys what changed ?

the Answer is Excitement

As we grow older we are getting used to things easily , we can’t complain we get over it

Imagine the last time you were genuinely excited about something , it might be your favourite actors movies release , your favourite persons b’day , a concert ! our excitement changes over time

As we grow even more older we will place our excitement factor in more serious things like getting recognised in a firm , an award or a business opportunity to bag and getting a promotion 🥲

See the pattern , the more we optimise our excitement , the less happy we are

But the more excited we are about something , we are way happier

Doesn’t it remind you of something ?

Yeah your younger self , your childhood were you were genuinely excited about everything , even simple things

But if we really consciously take life playful and be excited about everything how would it feel ? How will our life be ?

More enjoyable right , so why don’t we take that step ? let’s take a conscious step to look forward for something , let’s be excited

how can we do it ? practice !

yes fake it till you make it !

even waking up you have to be excited , we will talk about it even more deeper in the next article

if you are reading till this , thank you for taking the time hope you have a better day , leave your thoughts below be excited about this article too! lol! support , follow me and the fellow talented writers , I’ll see you in the next one ! Cheers !



Vasikaran Ravi

23 and sane writes on life ! my pen never ran out of ink