The Eternal Fire

Vasilis Stefanou
2 min readNov 13, 2022


Fire has been one of the main elements in any civilisation of the past. It was used metaphorically as an esoteric term in stories, allegories, secret teachings and texts but also, as a matter of life or death.

Zoroaster’s followers in ancient Persia kept and still keep the sacred fire burning at their fire temples

Prometheus, in the myth, brought the fire of the Greek Gods down to humanity to bless them with knowledge

Ancient Egyptians worshipped Ra and Incas worshipped Inti as their sun gods because they had the power to give life to every living being

The symbolic attributes of fire are the passion or creativity of individuals, spark for something new and expression of ideas

Daoists and Hermeticists used the element of fire to create change and trasformation in the alchemical processes both on the physical and metaphysical levels

Keep the fire burning!

Let me know what fire means to you and how you keep it alive

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Vasilis Stefanou

Improving life using philosophy and cultural ideas🧠️