Vasily Kulev: a Tale of Absurdity, Creativity and Impeccable Style

Vasily Kulev
2 min readSep 12, 2017


This is what Vasily normally sees when he looks in the mirror every morning. That was a bold lie, of course. His morning looks are less impressive. Photo courtesy of Daria Biryukova.

Nutrition Facts
Serving Size 80kg

Knowledge of cars: 500g
Color combinations in clothing: 400g
Variations of cocktail recipes: 300g
Rap lyrics: 200g
Self-irony: 1500g

Every creative task is a challenge for me to push my imagination even further. I believe it explains why I’ve chosen to tie my life to working and studying in a creative field.

At the moment of writing these lines, I am a third-year student in Marketing and Mass Communications, who is struggling to find time to do homework properly, while his creative energy bounces between his studies, his job in Social Media Management and his occasional urges to play around with graphic design or creative writing.

When I engage my creative mode on, I get inspiration from iconic photographs, depressing 80s music and car videos on YouTube. That is, of course, when I’m not getting inspired by dumb memes, trap hip-hop and Federico Fellini.

Shedding some light on who and why inspired me to start expressing myself through writing.

As you could have probably guessed, I consider myself a polygonal person, who tries to experience different and contrasting things in life. I am interested in political theory, street style fashion, haute cuisine, cosmology, digital marketing and a myriad of other thing.I think I can be interested in anything, really: as long as it’s tasteful and can make me a more educated and polished person.

A glimpse of me manifesting some of my rebellious spirit. Photo: Uros Vasiliev

At this exact point in my life I am most interested in the Multimedia Journalism course. I’m looking forward to the new skills and knowlegde that I believe this course will grant me. All those rap lyrics and car specifications could use some watering down.

